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"George, you may tell that gentleman with my love love, remember, George that I do not want help. Who is the officious sardine-tin?" "A Rimouski drogher on the look-out for a tow." "Very kind of the Rimouski drogher. This postal packet isn't being towed at present." "Those droghers will go anywhere on a chance of salvage," George explained. "We call' em kittiwakes."

In that sweating sardine-tin of refugees I shivered in the bitterness of my chagrin. And then I found his face turned to mine, and I knew that he recognized me. More, I knew that he knew that I had recognized him not as Ivery, but as that other man. There came into his eyes a curious look of comprehension, which for a moment overcame his funk.

The Indian stopped beside the horse, a glitter of satisfaction in his eyes as he saw that the little lady had fulfilled her part of the bargain. He indicated to the squaw and the lady that they might move on down the trail, and he would catch up with them; and then dismounted, pouncing warily upon the sardine-tin at once.

"What are we to do?" fumed Beata. "If we're not back at four the 'sardine-tin' will be waiting for me, and Mr. Vicary will be so cross! The last time we were late he went and complained to Father and said he'd have to charge us extra for wasting his time. There was an awful row, and Violet scolded Romola and me, although it was really Tattie's fault."

They make my soup." "You mustn't think Jimmy's one of your common yeggs," said Sutton. "He's at the top of his profession. That's how he made his money. I never did believe that legacy story." "Jimmy," said Mr. Mifflin, "couldn't crack a child's money-box. Jimmy couldn't open a sardine-tin." Jimmy shrugged his shoulders. "What'll you bet?" he said again.

If she chooses to wait at the cross-roads it's her own fault. She should have come with us." The 'sardine-tin' entered Chagmouth that afternoon from the direction of Brendon, and Nan, after sitting a long time by the roadside expecting its appearance, gave it up and walked the rest of the way home, very annoyed at the trick that had been played her.

Vicary, his face a study of patience, was standing by the side of the 'sardine-tin, which was already packed for transit, and whose occupants set up a joyful screech of welcome. "Of course, if Dr.

As this book partly concerns the doings of the group of girls who came daily from Chagmouth to Durracombe, we will follow them as they motored back on their ten miles' journey from school. Squashed together in 'the sardine-tin, as they irreverently nicknamed the highly respectable car driven by Mr.

Some one had eaten a meal there, and there was a plate, a knife, also egg-shells, an empty sardine-tin, and a hunk of black bread. There was a book which I picked up, attracted by the English lettering on the faded red cover. It was a "Report on the Condition of New Mexico in 1904" a heavy fat volume with the usual photographs of water-falls, cornfields and enormous sheep.

These she slung pack fashion over the old horse, fastened the sardine-tin containing the gold pieces where it would be easily found, tied the horse to a tree, and retired behind a shelter of sage-brush to watch.