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'I will stand unarmed within your thrust, and never budge a foot, said Richard. 'But no, he added, 'I dare not, lest I should further injure one I have wronged already. Let there be a truce between us. 'I am no papist, returned Scudamore. 'I speak only as one of the earl's household true men all. For them I cast the word in your teeth, you roundhead traitor!

And besides, they have found out the postern, the Roundhead rogues; for two of them saw me when I went out of door, and chased me; but I showed them a fair pair of heels." "As ever dashed dew from the cowslip," said Lance. "But what the foul fiend is to be done? for if they have secured the postern, I know not how the dickens we can get in."

'Not so poor for a marquis, cousin Dorothy, as to be called the poor Marquis. Why dost thou call me poor? 'My lord, I mean my dog. 'The truth will still lie between me and thy dog, said the marquis. 'But come now, instruct me. Who is this prisoner, and how comes he here? 'He be young Mr. Heywood of Redware, my lord, and a pestilent roundhead, answered one of his captors. 'Who knows him?

"Many," said Evandale, "are flocking to them already, and they expect a strong body of the indulged Presbyterians, headed by young Milnwood, the son of the famous old Roundhead, Colonel Silas Morton." "It's a lie!" said the major hastily, and begged that Henry Morton might at once be heard himself.

His broad hat completely shaded his face, but the luxuriant curls of light air, which, moistened by the misty atmosphere, fell negligently beneath its brim, intimated that he was more akin to the Cavalier than the Roundhead.

He was baptized Cumbermede from the desire to keep in memory the name of a celebrated ancestor, the owner, in fact, of the disputed sword itself alluded to in the letters, who had been more mindful of the supposed rights of his king than the next king was of the privations undergone for his sake, for Moldwarp Hall at least was never recovered from the Roundhead branch of the family into whose possession it had drifted.

This made him General; this got him out of the Tower when he was in; and hath brought him into what he is now, since the King's coming in: that long ago, indeed, he would drink the King's health privately with Mr. Turner; but that when he saw it fit to turn Roundhead, and was offered by Mr.

The Roundhead rascal whom you met was inclined, to be very precise about doing his duty, and insisted that he was certain that you were on the look-out for deer; but I stopped his mouth by telling him that I often took you out with me, as you were the best shot in the whole forest, and that the intendant knew that I did so.

He's decidedly of the Roundhead type, with the Puritan extracted, or inoffensive, if latent." "There's the double infamy!" cried Richard, "that a man you can't call bad, should do this damned thing!" "Well, it's hard we can't find a villain." "He would have listened to me, I'm sure." "Go to him now, Richard, my son. Go to him now. It's not yet too late. Who knows?

And I have many friends, so that there were many brave men, and many fair women, who were extending the various tentacula of their feeling processes into the different realms of the known and the unknown, to find that lost scrap of a Roundhead song for me.