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It is, nevertheless, amusing to observe that L'Etoile insists upon its point in the full belief of its furthering its general argument. "Reperuse now that portion of this argument which has reference to the identification of the corpse by Beauvais. In regard to the hair upon the arm, L'Etoile has been obviously disingenuous.

I had only time to reperuse with care the Silvae of Statius his Epicedion being appropriate to my mood. Arrived at Portus, I sent a post to those who awaited the ship's coming, and the remains of Maximus were brought with all due honour to their resting place. 'Was the deacon Leander here to receive you? asked Basil. 'I learnt that he had not yet been heard of.

She learns daily, very quickly: observes, assimilates; she reads and has her comments would have shot far ahead of your Riette, with my advantages. 'Your uncle but he will bear any charge on his conscience as long as he can get the burden off his shoulders. Do not fret, my own! Reperuse the above you will see we have grounds for hope. 'He should have looked down on her!

Was she not colour in the sight of men? Here was one, a mouthpiece of numbers, who vowed that homage was her due, and devotion, the pouring forth of the soul to her. What was the reproach if she read the stuff unmoved? But peruse and reperuse it, and ask impressions to tell our deepest instinct of truthfulness whether language of this character can have been written to two women by one hand!

Virginia put in a word of apology for Tasso's temper he enjoyed ordinarily a slumber of half an hour's longer duration. He was, Dorothea feelingly added, regularity itself. Virginia murmured: 'Except once! and both were appalled by the recollection of that night. It had, nevertheless, caused them to reperuse the Rev.

I kissed her unrepulsing hand no less than five times during this conversation. Lord, Jack, how my generous heart ran over! She was quite obliging at parting. She in a manner asked me leave to retire; to reperuse Charlotte's letter. I think she bent her knees to me; but I won't be sure. How happy might we both have been long ago, had the dear creature been always as complaisant to me!

My first act was to draw forth the fatal bundle of letters and reperuse them patiently from beginning to end, still clinging to the desperate hope that I had after all, in some unaccountable way, misunderstood my father's meaning, and that I was under some hallucination. But no; there were the words all too plainly written for any possibility of mistake. His was the hallucination not mine. False?

Being anxious carefully to reperuse these, and afterwards to make acquaintance with other works of the same kind, he found himself an object of contempt, and was laughed at for his lectures, instead of their gaining him fame or profit.

Virginia put in a word of apology for Tasso's temper he enjoyed ordinarily a slumber of half an hour's longer duration. He was, Dorothea feelingly added, regularity itself. Virginia murmured: 'Except once! and both were appalled by the recollection of that night. It had, nevertheless, caused them to reperuse the Rev.

I hardly know how a greater service of that kind could now be done to the community, than by a renewed and wide diffusion of that admirable paper, and an earnest invitation to every man in the country to reperuse and consider it.