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Or I'll come up that chimney and take all your toys and your reindeers, too," he shouted up the chimney. "Don't, 'Lop," remonstrated Arthur who was sleepily rubbing his eyes and opening his mouth, bird-like, for spoonfuls of bread and milk. "Don't talk that way. It's ugly. And Santa C'aus'll get mad and not come. Or he'll bring you switches." "Mother won't let him," blustered Dunlop.

John was his own name and William that of his brother. "I mean what is your last name?" "Carstairs," answered the little girl. "Now you tell us who you are. You aren't Santa Claus, are you? I don't hear any reindeers outside, or bells, and you haven't any pack, and you're not by the fireplace where our stockings are." "No," said the man, "I'm not exactly Santa Claus, I'm his friend I "

We saw also a great many bears, foxes, and reindeers, and also immense flocks of wild geese, which we drove from their nests in order to procure their eggs, which we found excellent.

In the toy department of one of the Thirty-fourth Street shops there was a live Kris Kringle with animated reindeers on rollers, who made a short trip across an open space in one end of the department for a consideration, and presented each child who rode with him a lovely present, tied up in tissue and marked "Not to be opened until Christmas."

"But you must rest and eat," remonstrated Lucile. "And the reindeers, they need rest." "Huh," came the answer, with a shrug. "Better time to rest when all work is done. Me young; reindeers young we rest at camp." "But you must wait till I I well, there is something that I that you " Lucile fumbled for the right words.

"But you'll come again at Christmas; won't you?" asked Flossie as she said good-bye. "We'll try," said her Uncle Bobbsey. "But maybe there won't be room, with Santa Claus and all his reindeers." "Oh, we'll make room for you," spoke Freddie. "Santa Claus won't stay long." With a merry peal of laughter the visitors went off to the station, waving farewells.

He has a team of reindeers. 'An' the deeper the snow the faster they go." Soon the others bared their feet and hung their stockings on four chairs in a row beside the first. Then they all got on the bed in the corner and pulled a quilt over them to wait for Santa Claus. The mother went on with her reading as they chattered. Sleep hushed them presently.

But though he killed great numbers of these birds, he could not find the three lost words. Then he thought that he might find them on the tongues of reindeers or of the squirrels; but though he killed great numbers of them, and found many words on their tongues, the three lost words were not there.

Of course, there was Father Christmas, if you call him a fairy." "Daddy, was Father Christmas killed in the war?" "No, boy." "Because he has never come since the war began. I expect he is fightin' the Jarmans." It was Dimples who was talking. "Last time he came," said Laddie, "Daddy said one of his reindeers had hurt its leg in the ruts of the Monkstown Lane. Perhaps that's why he never comes."

"I will take the lead, you will follow, and two Lapps will come behind to watch over you. Do not mind if you upset often; do not be discouraged; a beginner has to upset many times before he knows how to drive a reindeer and keep in his sleigh." In the mean time our reindeers had become very restive and they were held with difficulty. Suddenly Jon gave the order to start.