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'That's Miss Radford, said Mr Mitchell. 'That's how she always goes on. She's always laughing. She was immensely charmed with you the day she called on you with my wife. 'Was she? said Edith, who remembered she herself had been out on that occasion. 'Tremendously. I can't remember what she said: I think it was how clever you were. 'She saw Madame Frabelle. I wasn't at home. 'Ha ha!

Master Clough was, however, in the meantime thinking about his wife. We were also interested in the safety of the preacher. Captain Radford longed once more to see him, as the brother of his lost wife.

The hands of his watch pointed to ten thirty when he entered the flat, and it was near eleven when he rode up to the cabin door to find Miss Radford arrayed in riding skirt, dainty boots, gauntleted gloves, blouse, and soft felt hat awaiting him at the door. "You're late," she said, smiling as she came out upon the porch.

As a fact, Gertie returned in five minutes fully apparelled, to discover Miss Radford improved in spirits and ready for more conversation. "A new blouse?" she cried, interrupting herself. "And you never told me. Gertie Higham," solemnly, "this isn't what I call friendship." The girl went straight through the shop, and looking up and down Praed Street, remarked to Mrs.

"Dear me, these youngsters!" he exclaimed, sitting down on the nearest bench with a child on each knee. "I wish they were old enough to go to your school, Miss Radford, then I'd get some peace for part of the day at least." "I wish they were old enough, too," sighed Katherine.

Mother came back in a few days more; Aunt Radford also was better. The family fell into the old ways again, and it was as if no change had threatened. Father told mother, however, something of importance that grandfather had said to him that afternoon, before he was taken ill.

"You are Miss Radford, I think," said Mary in that quiet, cultured voice which somehow matched, or at least harmonized, with her gown, "and I have come to say 'Thank you' for your goodness to my dear father." "Oh, but really it was not I who saved him, but Phil!

In May, 1913, that well-known northern patrol man, Sergeant W. G. Edgenton, of the Mounted Police, who was in command of the post at Fullerton, reported that a rumour had come to him through Eskimo that Radford and Street had been killed by the Eskimos in June, 1912.

"Dad, there's another Rojas round these diggings," was Nell's remark, after the greetings were over and the usual questions and answers passed. Belding's exclamation was cut short by Nell's laugh. She was serious with a kind of amused contempt. "Mr. Radford Chase!" "Now Nell, what the " roared Belding. "Hush, Dad! Don't swear," interrupted Nell. "I only meant to tease you." "Humph!

When the dogs, with their master in the sledge, and Katherine following close behind, dashed up to the door of the store that evening, Oily Dave was the first person to step forward to lend a helping hand in getting 'Duke Radford housed and his hurts examined.