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The days when they had hearts being gone, they are haply divided between the blonde and the brunette; the aquiline nose and the Proserpine; this shaped eye and that.

Seating himself by the side of the delighted Proserpine, Saturn commanded the owls to bear them to the Valley of Lamentations. 'Twas an easy fly: the chariot soon descended upon the crest of a hill: and Saturn and Proserpine, leaving the car, commenced, by a winding path, the slight ascent of a superior elevation.

He found himself at the harbor, staring with wild and bloodshot eyes at the Proserpine, he who, an hour ago, had seen that he had but one thing to do to try and forget young Wardlaw's bride. He groaned aloud, and ran wildly back into the town. He hurried up and down one narrow street, raging inwardly, like some wild beast in its den.

The rivalry of Artemis and Phaedra for the affection of Hippolytus reproduces, it is said, under different names, the rivalry of Aphrodite and Proserpine for the love of Adonis, for Phaedra is merely a double of Aphrodite. The theory probably does no injustice either to Hippolytus or to Artemis.

As minute after minute flew by, the feeling increased, until it would not much exceed the bounds of truth to say that under none of the vicissitudes of war did there ever exist so feverish an hour on board his Britannic Majesty's ship the Proserpine, as the very period of which we are now writing.

"That little Proserpine in the middle." "This? Are you going to give this to Daisy? But why is she called Proserpine? I don't see." "Nor I," said Mr. Randolph, "only that everything must have a name. And this damsel is supposed to have been carrying a basket, which might easily have been a basket of flowers, I don't see how the statement could be disproved.

There were ritual dramas or passion-plays, of which an important one dealt with the descent of Kore or Proserpine into the underworld, as in the Eleusinian representations, and her redemption and restoration to the upper world in Spring; another with the sufferings of Psyche and her rescue by Eros, as described by Apuleius himself an initiate in the cult of Isis.

When he was in Hades he obtained the liberty of Theseus, his admirer and imitator, who had been detained a prisoner there for an unsuccessful attempt to carry off Proserpine. Hercules in a fit of madness killed his friend Iphitus and was condemned for this offence to become the slave of Queen Omphale for three years. While in this service the hero's nature seemed changed.

'And then to be abused for the sake of a dog! 'By all the shades of Hell, but this is enough to provoke even immortals. What have I done, said, or thought, to justify such treatment? 'Oh! me! 'Proserpine! 'Heigho! 'Proserpine! Proserpine! 'So soon is the veil withdrawn! 'Dearest, you must be unwell. This journey has been too much for you, 'On our very bridal day to be so treated!

They would speak no more of the year that was past; it was a bad dream, and now it was gone. Let it be swept from their thoughts, and let them go on to make the future what they desired it to be. They sat in the little cabin, where she had been reading some lines from the poem again "O easy access to the hearer's grace When Dorian shepherds sang to Proserpine!" "Ah, yes!" he said.