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Nothing further is recorded of him for some time, excepting an observation that the ducks were roasted to a single turn, and that Mrs. Allan's sauce of claret, lemon, and cayenne was beyond praise. 'I see, said Miss Mannering, 'I have a formidable rival in Mr. Pleydell's favour, even on the very first night of his avowed admiration.

To a proud, shy, reserved man, and such in many respects was Mannering, this sort of living catalogue and animated automaton had all the advantages of a literary dumb-waiter. Pleydell's, the advocate, for whom he had a letter of introduction from Mr. Mac-Morlan. He then commanded Barnes to have an eye to the Dominie, and walked forth with a chairman, who was to usher him to the man of law.

Pleydell's brother's met with an accident. We found him in the road. Don't make a noise. This is my sister, Mrs. Pleydell." "How d'you do?" said Daphne. "My brother seems " "I'm all right," I said suddenly. "I'd lost my way, see? And one of the tires went, just as I was passing a big white house on the left. I stopped under a balcony, I think." "That's right," said Bill Bairling.

The younger man read, without apparent interest, an account of the Chester-le-Street meeting, and the subsequent attack on Sir John Pleydell's house. 'Yes, he commented, 'the usual thing. Brave words followed by a cowardly deed. What in the name of fortune you were doing in that galere you yourself know best. If these are politics, Horner, I say drop them.

'It's even the learned De Lyra, sir. I would crave his honour Mr. Pleydell's judgment, always with his best leisure, to expound a disputed passage. 'I am not in the vein, Mr. Sampson, answered Pleydell; 'here's metal more attractive. I do not despair to engage these two young ladies in a glee or a catch, wherein I, even I myself, will adventure myself for the bass part.

'Lord preserve us! said the female voice, 'an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me! 'Aweel, my doo, the cat's no a prin the waur. So he's no in, ye say? 'Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en, answered the female voice. 'And the morn's Sabbath too, said the querist. 'I dinna ken what will be done.

'Lord preserve us! said the female voice, 'an he had worried our cat, Mr. Pleydell would ne'er hae forgi'en me! 'Aweel, my doo, the cat's no a prin the waur. So he's no in, ye say? 'Na, Mr. Pleydell's ne'er in the house on Saturday at e'en, answered the female voice. 'And the morn's Sabbath too, said the querist. 'I dinna ken what will be done.

'It's even the learned De Lyra, sir. I would crave his honour Mr. Pleydell's judgment, always with his best leisure, to expound a disputed passage. 'I am not in the vein, Mr. Sampson, answered Pleydell; 'here's metal more attractive. I do not despair to engage these two young ladies in a glee or a catch, wherein I, even I myself, will adventure myself for the bass part.

He continues: 'Of the first impression made on a stranger at that period when entering such a house, a vivid description is given by Sir Walter Scott in Guy Mannering; and in Counsellor Pleydell's library, with its collection of books, and the prospect from the window, we have probably an accurate picture of the room in which Hume spent his studious hours. Life of Hume, ii. 137, 431.

To a proud, shy, reserved man, and such in many respects was Mannering, this sort of living catalogue, and animated automaton, had all the advantages of a literary dumb-waiter. Pleydell's, the advocate, for whom he had a letter of introduction from Mr. Mac-Morlan. He then commanded Barnes to have an eye to the Dominie, and walked forth with a chairman, who was to usher him to the man of law.