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But, when thou dost name me to thy lord, Duke Ivo, tell him that I spake thee this: That, whiles I do lie within the green he shall not sleep o' nights but I will be at work with fire and steel, nor rest nor stay until he and the evil of him be purged from this my father's duchy of Pentavalon say I bid him remember this upon his pillow.

"Aye, 'tis like enough, messire. But O heed me! He goeth for a deeper purpose list, Beltane O list he goeth to seize upon the noble and saintly Abbess Veronica to bear her captive unto Pentavalon city, there to hold her hostage for for thee, Beltane for thee!" "How mean you?"

Tell him that the woes of Pentavalon draw to an end, and that ere long she shall arise above her sorrows. Bid him be of good courage yet a little longer, for the lion is waked at last, and the leopard also. Behold now, messire, all's said."

So now do I tell thee that Walkyn hath taken and burned Duke Ivo's great Castle of Brandonmere, that Winisfarne city hath risen 'gainst the Duke and all the border villages likewise aha! master, there be scythe-blades and good brown bills a-twinkle all along the marches eager to smite for freedom and Pentavalon when time is ripe!" "Forsooth, is this so? O Roger, is this so in very truth?"

Down sprang Beltane and ran to greet him and to catch his nerveless hands: "Lord Beltane," quoth he, faintly, "full oft have I shed my blood for Pentavalon to-day I die, messire. But, as thou didst say 'tis well to die in cause so noble! My lord, farewell to thee!" And with the word, even as he stood 'twixt Roger and the archer, the stout old knight was dead.

Betimes they crossed the marches into Mortain, but it was late evening ere they saw at last the sleepy manor of Blaen, its white walls and steepy roofs dominated by its one square watch-tower, above which a standard, stirring lazily in the gentle air, discovered the red lion of Pentavalon.

High and shrill and loud it rang above the roar of battle, and lo! distant and far, like an answer to the call, from the grim and battered tower of Brand a mighty shout went up "Arise! Arise! Pentavalon!" "Oho!" cried Roger, sitting close on Beltane's left, "list ye to that, now! And see ha! there cometh our long-legged Walkyn, first of them all!

"Behold!" quoth the hermit, "'tis an armour worthy of a king, light is it, yet marvellous strong, and hath been well tried in many a desperate affray. 'Tis twenty years since these limbs bore it, yet see I have kept it bright from rust lest, peradventure, Pentavalon should need thee to raise again the battle cry of thy house and lead her men to war. And, alas dear son, that day is now!

O men of Pentavalon, do ye not hear them, these woeful ones do ye not hear them crying to us from searing flame, from dungeon and gibbet do ye not hear?

Let thine eyes be watchful therefore, and thine ears quick to hear. Hearken you to all men, yet speak you few words and soft. But, when you act, let your deeds shout unto heaven, that all Pentavalon may know a man is come to lead them who fears only God. And so, my Beltane, fare-thee-well! Come, kiss me, boy; our next kiss, perchance shall be in heaven."