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Morton exhorted him to patience, temper, and composure; informed him of the good hope he had of negotiating for peace and indemnity through means of Lord Evandale, and made out to him a very fair prospect that he should again return to his own parchment-bound Calvin, his evening pipe of tobacco, and his noggin of inspiring ale, providing always he would afford his effectual support and concurrence to the measures which he, Morton, had taken for a general pacification.

"I guess he isn't such a dub, after all." "He is probably right in the supposition that such a war would stop the fighting over here that is, the fighting as it is now going on. He seeks peace in his own land at the risk of a war with our country." "Then he ought to be shot," declared the boy. "He was negotiating with Mr. Cameron for the purchase of firearms and ammunition," Nestor went on.

"Ballyhoo is right," remarked Wynwood, commonly known as Madstone; "they've got us foul." "That being so, there aint any use for you, pards; so go back to camp, look after the cattle, and leave things to me." The meaning of this proposition, which may sound strange to the reader, was that the only possible way of saving Captain Shirril was by negotiating for his release.

It's a scurryin', 'urryin' business, but I'm real glad I haven't missed it," said the old lady as she was borne rather than led towards the refuge of the Temperance Hotel. Also she was heard to remark: "'E was saying something about 'ot chestnuts. I 'aven't 'ad no 'ot chestnuts." Then the crowd became aware of Mr. Polly awkwardly negotiating the top rungs of the fire escape.

She goes directly; and I am well assured, which is not the least surprising part of this strange history, that her affairs are in a state of great distraction. The relatives of her late husband are about again to try the will, and with prospect of success. She has been negotiating with them for some time through the agency of Sir Lucius Grafton, and the late exposé will not favour her interests.

He had pointed out the errors of the Earl's administration he had fearlessly, earnestly, but respectfully deplored the misplaced parsimony of the Queen he had warned her against the delusions which had taken possession of her keen intellect he had done his best to place the governor-general upon good terms with the States and with his sovereign; but it had been impossible for him to further his schemes for the acquisition of a virtual sovereignty over the Netherlands, or to extinguish the suspicions of the States that the Queen was secretly negotiating with the Spaniard, when he knew those suspicions to be just.

"Lock up, will you, and at any time Mrs. Marteen wants to see me admit her at once." Mr. Saunders' face shone. He, too, was a devout worshiper at the shrine of art. "The Vandyke?" he inquired hopefully. "Well, no but I'm negotiating for a very remarkable series of letters of er Napoleon concerning er Waterloo."

Eighteen minutes later, without having to rest, the cache was reached and the few remnants were picked up. Although many things had been abandoned, our loads seemed heavier than ever. We had some difficulty in negotiating the crevasses, but Gamarra was the only one actually to fall in, and he was easily pulled out again.

Since the origin of the Government we have been employed in negotiating treaties with that power, and afterwards in discussing their true intent and meaning.

Can't Mr. Mitchell do something?" But Mr. Mitchell was not sufficiently at home to interfere. He was indeed negotiating an exchange with Mr. Touchett, but until this was effected he could hardly meddle in the matter, and he was besides a reserved, prudent man, slow to commit himself, so that his own impression of the asylum could not be extracted from him.