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But the latter has no ms. authority, and the former seems to have been suggested by the bards of the Gauls, of whose existence among the Germans however there is no evidence.

Not for nothing indeed is the partridge a game bird, for it has been seen to attack cats, and even foxes, in defence of the covey; and I have seen, in the MS. notes of the second Earl of Malmesbury, preserved in the library at Heron Court, mention of one that drove off a carrion crow that menaced the family.

The success of Bryce Cardigan's plan for getting Ms rails down from Laurel Creek depended entirely upon the whimsy which might seize the crew of the big mogul that hauled the last load of logs out of Cardigan's redwoods on Thursday afternoon.

Then, when this paragraph was added, the figure, noticeably changed, was included here. Here the MS of F of F B breaks off to resume only with the meeting of Mathilda and Woodville. Mary was thinking of the deaths of her two children. Mary had read the story of Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius in 1817 and she had made an Italian translation, the MS of which is now in the Library of Congress.

Fielding's distinguished kinswoman Lady Mary Wortley Montagu also read the MS. Looking to certain scenes in it, the protestation in the Prologue "Nought shall offend the Fair Ones Ears to-day, Which they might blush to hear, or blush to say" has an air of insincerity, although, contrasted with some of the writer's later productions, Love in Several Masques is comparatively pure.

Dixerunt enim hâc re fieri ut plerique alii foedus secum inire detrectarent et refugerunt qui id ultro factum fuerant si serenissimum Angliæ Regem aperte stare cernerent. Mount to Cromwell: State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 625. This was Lord Burleigh's word for the constitution of the English Church. Instructions to the Bishop of Hereford: Rolls House MS.

Under a scruple of this kind, he is said to have remained blindfold, from Ms arrival in Ms fatherland, till his return to Iona. He was accompanied by an imposing train of attendants; by Aidan, Prince of Argyle, so deeply interested in the issue, and a suite of over one hundred persons, twenty of them Abbots or Bishops.

I am sorry to have detained your MS. so long, but part of the time I have been away, and during the other portion of it, the fatigue that I must undergo was all that my strength would bear. I read your essay carefully in a few days after receiving it and laid it aside for a second perusal.

It is found with the heading 'Favola pastorale' in an autograph MS., along with several other works of the author, including Egle, but with no indication of the date of composition. The author survived till 1573, but we may reasonably suppose that the piece was written before his departure from Ferrara in 1558.

Smith, who appears to have been much amused by the admiration excited. "You seem to have been so enchanted, that I do not know how to believe you," he laughingly said. But when a second reader, in the person of a clear-headed Scotchman, not given to enthusiasm, had taken the MS. home in the evening, and became so deeply interested in it, as to sit up half the night to finish it, Mr.