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The services of the "Emerald Minstrels" were in great demand, and were always cheerfully given for Catholic, National and charitable objects. While our own people mostly furnished our audiences, our entertainment was appreciated by the general public. The best proof of this was that Mr.

Nothing which could strike the mind through the senses was neglected. They offset tournaments by religious shows and pageantry, rivalled the attractions of the harp by sacred music, and to wean their flocks from the half dramatic entertainments of the minstrels, they invented the Miracle Play and the Mystery.

And we met farther on the way a dirty-looking youth with his bagpipes slung over his shoulder in dilapidated modern garb he was anything but a fit descendant of the minstrels whose fame has come down to us in song and story.

In Lessing, Herder, Goethe, and Schiller, the clergy, the minstrels, and the bookmen were each represented, but philosophy had breathed into them an all-embracing, cosmical spirit of humanity, and under their influence German literature soon lost its exclusive and sectional character, and became cosmopolitan and universal. The long cycle of literary experiments, however, is not yet completed.

No, I could not reconcile such conduct with any principle of honour; by substituting something of my own in lieu of these mysterious passages of the publisher, I might be giving a fatal blow to his whole system of philosophy. Besides, when translating into English, had I treated foreign authors in this manner? Had I treated the minstrels of the Kaempe Viser in this manner? No.

"Yes, and people will take us for strolling minstrels," interposed the princess; "and we must drop our real names and titles. Mr. Zimandy shall be the impresario, and Madam Dormandy the prima-donna; they can pass for husband and wife. We two can be brother and sister. What is your sister's name?" "Anna." "Lend me her name for a little while, will you? You don't object?"

But just then two mediaeval men-at-arms came in sight, carrying umbrellas. "Isn't that too delicious? Umbrellas and chain-armour!" "You can't expect them to let their chain-armour get rusty," said Colville. "You ought to have been with me minstrels in scale-armour, Florentines of Savonarola's times, nuns, clowns, demons, fairies no end to them."

There were bards and minstrels, and chivalric knights and tournaments and tilts, and village fêtes and hospitable convents and gentle ladies, gentle and lovely even in all states of civilization, winning by their graces and inspiring men to deeds of heroism and gallantry.

And, O king, thirty thousand cars decked in gold and drawn by the best steeds, also used to follow him then. And full eight hundred bards adorned with ear-rings set with shining gems, and accompanied by minstrels, recited his praises in those days, like the Rishis adorning Indra. And, O king, the Kauravas and other lords of earth always waited upon him like slaves, as the celestials upon Kuvera.

A slow procession of white ducks, walking delicately, with heads lifted high and timid eyes, in a long line, has the air of an ecclesiastical procession. The singers go before, the minstrels follow after.