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"Has a mean-looking little Jew been in here this morning?" he demanded breathlessly. "Nobody's been here," said Nance. "Gloree!" said Mac, collapsing into a chair. "He gave me a scare! Wonder if he 'phoned!" "Mr. Clarke's been out all morning. These are the people who called up." Mac ran his eye hurriedly down the list and sighed with relief.

Small and mean-looking as he was there was something so forlorn and hopeless in the gallant cry of the doomed man that all hearts were touched. A low, responsive murmur broke from the spectators, and then with one voice they too shouted: "Vive le Roi!" They heard it outside the multitude who thronged the stairways, the courtyards, and the Place de Grève.

Before eleven, she half repented this resolution, but her maid kept her to it; and at half past twelve next day they reached Mr. Rolfe's door; an old-fashioned, mean-looking house, in one of the briskest thoroughfares of the metropolis; a cabstand opposite to the door, and a tide of omnibuses passing it.

I spoke quietly but crisply, for I would not be girded at unjustly, no, not by a prince. He took my meaning, and answered generously, "As I knew you would, Master Wheatman, if need were." The noble panelled room in which we were was set out with a long table and many chairs. At the head of the table a mean-looking man was busily writing.

For the life and soul of me, I cannot admire him; and, between ourselves, to see such an undersized, little, mean-looking man, set up for a fine actor, is very ridiculous in my opinion." From this moment there was a return of his former jealousy, which Maria, from increasing hopes of Crawford, was at little pains to remove; and the chances of Mr.

As he made his way through a bye-street his step quickened, and at the corner of Charlotte Street he looked round to make sure he was not followed. He then drew his keys from his pocket and let himself into a small, mean-looking house.

"You shall be welcome to what we have," answered the person, and opened the door. On entering, the sultan beheld three mean-looking old men, one of whom was lame, the second broken-backed, and the third wry-mouthed. He then inquired the cause of their misfortunes; to which they answered, "Our infirmities proceeded from the weakness of our understandings."

We live much better here than at home." More especially in the smaller towns, the externals must have presented a steady and dull monotony the jail and court-house, three or four churches, a varying number of mean-looking stores including a liberal proportion of taverns, and the irregular rows of private houses.

Once a goat in an alley looked up and spoke to her but she did not understand what he said. His mouth was full; for he was eating a tin can that looked strangely like Sara's old thimble. Presently they stopped before a mean-looking house and Avrillia knocked. Now, you often hear that word applied to quite innocent houses that are only plain and poor; but this one really was mean-looking.

But this mean-looking old man was one of those deputies whom the Venetian government sent into camps to overlook the conduct of the generals to whom the leading was consigned, and to maintain that jealous system of espial and control which had long distinguished the policy of the republic.