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Then the lizard made a most beautiful palace for Renzolla, and brought her up in such state and magnificence as would have dazzled the eyes of any queen. She wanted for nothing. Her food was fit for a count, her clothing for a princess. She had a hundred maidens to wait upon her, and with such good treatment she grew as sturdy as an oak-tree.

Then was seen an adroit turning of the stick, so quick as to be scarce perceptible immediately followed by a backward spring upon the part of the lizard, with a series of writhings and contortions, in which both its body and tail took part, till the water around it was lashed into foam.

Salamander, which is a Greek word of Eastern origin, was applied in the earliest times to a lizard considered to have the power of extinguishing fire. Newt has a strange history; originating in a wrong division of two words, "an ewte," the latter being derived from eft, which is far more correct than newt, though in use now in only a few places.

Professor Brierly was watching the movements of a lizard with detached interest when his little friend sat down beside him and began, glumly, pushing his toes in and put of the gentle ripples that lapped the shore. Beautiful Lake Memphremagog, bisected by the international border, lay before them.

"'You never can tell," quoted Bertram, merrily. "Of course there ARE other things. If it were you, now, we'd only have to hunt up the special thing you happened to be collecting at the time, and that would be it: a snake, a lizard, a toad, or maybe a butterfly. You know you were always lugging those things home when you were his age." "Yes, I know," sighed William.

When it reached the calf of the leg the lizard's head would appear right under the skin. After it had been perceptible for three days the lizard was to be cut out with a razor, or the man would die.

"Yes," replied Jimmy; "do you?" "Sure, I been livin' here for the last six months." "That's funny," said Jimmy; "I have been here about two months myself." "What's the matter with you?" asked the Lizard. "Didn't you like the job as general manager?" Jimmy flushed. "Forget it," he admonished. "Where's you room?" asked the Lizard. "Up another flight," said Jimmy. "Won't you come up?"

On these nights, Mount's Bay has a most animating appearance, although not equal to what was annually witnessed at the beginning of the present century, when the whole coast, from the Land's End to the Lizard, wherever a town or a village existed, was lighted up with these stationary or moving fires.

Then he stopped, for he remembered that his ring had been stolen from him. "What is that about a ring?" asked the kneeling man. With a quick motion Jack pulled from his pocket the golden lizard with the ruby eyes which Mr. Tevis had given him. He threw it toward his father, and it fell near the man. "What is that?" the latter asked. "Look at it," exclaimed Jack. "It will prove who I am.

Unless the frog is past recovery it has become a practice to scare the lizard, and to suggest to the frog the sanctuary of another hollow. But frogs are not always considerate of other and gayer creatures. A friend who possessed a pet canary noticed that one morning in the cage of his pet there sat a panting frog, blinking in the sunlight.