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'Proud to know you, sir, said Mr Cutler; 'I've heerd of you very often. These were not mere words of ceremony; for, Mr Cutler, having kept house in Mr Lillyvick's parish, had heard of him very often indeed. His attention in calling had been quite extraordinary. 'George, you know, I think, Mr Lillyvick, said Kenwigs; 'lady from downstairs Mr Lillyvick. Mr Snewkes Mr Lillyvick.

'Ah! said Mr Lillyvick, shaking his head mournfully, 'I thought as much. Lo, eh? I don't think anything of that language nothing at all. 'I suppose the children may begin, uncle? said Mrs Kenwigs. 'Oh yes; they may begin, my dear, replied the collector, discontentedly. 'I have no wish to prevent them.

'And now, said Mr Lillyvick, when a heart-rending scene had ensued and the children were cleared away again, 'give me some supper. This took place twenty mile from town. I came up this morning, and have being lingering about all day, without being able to make up my mind to come and see you. I humoured her in everything, she had her own way, she did just as she pleased, and now she has done this.

'Anywheres, my dear, said the collector, 'I am not particular. Not particular! What a meek collector! If he had been an author, who knew his place, he couldn't have been more humble. 'Mr Lillyvick, said Kenwigs, addressing the collector, 'some friends here, sir, are very anxious for the honour of thank you Mr and Mrs Cutler, Mr Lillyvick.

'Suppose it should be an express sent up to say that his property has all come back again! 'Dear me, said Mr Kenwigs; 'it's not impossible. Perhaps, in that case, we'd better send up and ask if he won't take a little more punch. 'Kenwigs! said Mr Lillyvick, in a loud voice, 'I'm surprised at you.

'Of course he knows it, love, and will never forget it, said Miss Ledrook. 'Do you think he won't? cried Miss Petowker, really showing great capability for the stage. 'Oh, do you think he won't? Do you think Lillyvick will always remember it always, always, always?

'It would have been your own fault if you had not, sir, remarked Mr Lillyvick. 'Morleena Kenwigs, cried her mother, at this crisis, much affected, 'kiss your dear uncle!

'He has a very nice face and style, really, said Mrs Kenwigs. 'He certainly has, added Miss Petowker. 'There's something in his appearance quite dear, dear, what's that word again? 'What word? inquired Mr Lillyvick. 'Why dear me, how stupid I am, replied Miss Petowker, hesitating.

'There is nothing like the married state, sir, depend upon it. 'Indeed! said Nicholas, laughing. 'Ah! nothing like it, sir, replied Mr Lillyvick solemnly. 'How do you think, whispered the collector, drawing him aside, 'how do you think she looks tonight? 'As handsome as ever, replied Nicholas, glancing at the late Miss Petowker.

'Yes, replied Nicholas, 'I should say it was, certainly. 'It's very much changed since my time, then, said the collector, 'very much. 'Was it a dismal one in your time? asked Nicholas, scarcely able to repress a smile. 'Very, replied Mr Lillyvick, with some vehemence of manner. 'It's the war time that I speak of; the last war. It may be a cheerful language.