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"You are quite a sailor," was his obviously indicated remark. "I've done a good deal of small-boat sailing on the Sound," I informed him, "out of Larchmont and those places, and in Great South Bay. I suppose I've been a good deal of a tomboy." "You've been a fine, strong, healthy girl, and you still are," he replied, quietly.

It is simply that I'm strange." "Have you no friends?" "None with whom I desire to communicate." "Well," doubtfully, "there is the Nonsectarian Home for Indigent Girls and the Hanna Larchmont Lying-in Hospital " "Oh," cried Lilly, with a sting of color to her cheeks, "you don't understand! I have funds. I tell you it is just that I am strange.

The drab visions of train-side Mamaroneck, Larchmont, Rye, Pelham Manor, succeeded each other with intervals of bleak and shoddy wastes posing ineffectually as country. He found himself remembering how on one summer morning they two had started from New York in search of happiness.

Reaching the city, Blake's machine, for which he had telephoned from Larchmont, was waiting; and in this they made the journey through the traffic-thronged New York streets, to the dock; a route that leads one from wealth to poverty, from respectability to license, from well doing to ill-doing, and through all that lies between.

"Do you mean to tell me that with all the money I've got you can't get an hour or two of a girl's time for yourself?" "I've put it off too late. She's going to sail for Europe at noon day after to-morrow for a two years' stay. I'm to see her alone to-morrow evening for a few minutes. She's at Larchmont now at her aunt's. I can't go there.

Lilly Parlow for professional reasons, but I want her christened by her full family name " "What is your family name?" "Why, Lilly Becker Penny." "Your last address?" "You mean?" "Where did you sleep last night?" "I told you. Hanna Larchmont Hospital. I received my discharge to-day." "Is the father of your child your lawful husband?" "Indeed, yes!" "Where is he?" "Out West where I came from."

I want a medium-priced place to live for the next few weeks, where it won't be embarrassing." The matron unlocked a drawer. "I have a few addresses here of private rooming houses in the Hanna Larchmont Lying-in Hospital and Bellevue districts, if that is what you want. Personally inspected places that can be recommended for their cleanliness and respectability." "That is exactly what I need."

DREW, JOHN, SR. Born at Dublin, Ireland, September 3, 1825; first appearance in New York, 1845; died at Philadelphia, May 21, 1862. Born at London, January 10, 1820; first appearance when mere child; came to America, 1828; married John Drew, 1850; died at Larchmont, New York, August 31, 1897.

Half of the half-dozen affairs which they attended were of her inspiration; he was invited to go yachting at Larchmont, motoring, swimming on Long Island, with friends of herself and her brothers.

"I wonder if the so-called sociologists have any explanation for it?" "Sure," Cowder said. "Same one they've been giving for more decades than I'd care to think of. The mother was married before. Divorced her husband, married Larchmont. But she had a boy by her first husband." "Broken home and sibling rivalry? Pfui!