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All this takes time to tell, but took no time in the thinking, and my finger was upon the trigger when, in the providence of God, something happened which altered every purpose Jensen's and the others', and mine. There came a great crash through the air loud as immediate thunder, with a noise that seemed to shake heaven above and earth below us.

Marjorie lay perfectly still in the grasp of her enemy, and Jensen's eyes between the bandages seemed to survey the whole scene with a savage sense of mastery. He was so well protected where he crouched by Marjorie's body that no one dared to fire, or, indeed, for the moment, to do anything but stare in stupefaction.

Zimmern does not appear to be convinced by Jensen's arguments and regards the question as an open one. Jensen's method of disposing of Shuâlu, besides being open to serious objections, fails to account for the fact that Shuâlu is brought into association with various Babylonian terms and ideographs for the grave. This cannot be accidental.

At this sight all our hearts grew hot with anger and pity, and there was not one of us that did not long to be the first to reach out a helping hand to the parson. We could see, as the group came nearer, that Jensen's men were not handling their captive very tenderly.

See Keils Bibl. 3, 1, p. 133. King reads, Lugal-diri-tu-gab. Kosmologie, pp. 481 seq. Belser, Beiträge zur Assyr. ii. 203, col. vi. Kossaer, pp. 25-27. Delitzsch, Kossaer, p. 33. See above, p. 105. Examples of punning etymologies on names of gods are frequent. See Jensen's discussion of Nergal for examples of various plays upon the name of the god. Kosmologie, pp. 185 seq.

It acquired the name of the great "Loerke" "Peter Jensen's Loerke." There is no word that corresponds with it in English. But this time was passed, and it had lain long neglected in a corner. It did not know whether it was on the voyage out or homewards; for it had never been on shore anywhere.

Those were happy days, and the bottle would sing when rubbed with a cork, and it was called a great lark, "Peter Jensen's lark." Long days and months rolled by, during which the bottle stood empty in a corner, when a storm arose whether on the passage out or home it could not tell, for it had never been ashore.

Ur-Bau calls her the 'gracious lady, and erects a temple, the name of which, Ish-gu-tur, i.e., according to Jensen's plausible interpretation, 'the house that serves as a court for all persons, points to Mar as a place of pilgrimage to which people came from all sides.

I'll be all right, when I get outside of one of Mam Liz's dinners. It was that baby of Jensen's that kept me. Poor little chap. I thought, two or three times he was going to make a die of it sure, but I guess he'll pull through now." Dr. Oldham knew the Jensens well, eighteen miles over the worst roads in the country.

It is a curious fact, and I know not how to account for it, unless by the smart knock on my head and the confusion of events that followed upon it, but all memory of what I had seen and heard In Jensen's cabin had slipped from my mind. No I will not say all memory.