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That other car from the laboratory we don't know where it went. The plundered laboratory has been found, of course. No station up there is near enough to have eavesdropped upon our capture, but the whole thing must have come out by now. But that aero with the model may have met an inter-planetary vessel the model may be on the way to Venus by now."

That vessel is the Sirius the research laboratory of the IPC the Inter-Planetary Corporation! It carries the greatest scientific minds of three of the inner planets, and it is loaded with pure poison or it wouldn't be here. Oh, you hexans, what you have got coming to you!" Concluding a Thrilling New Serial of Interplanetary Life and Travel by Edward E. Smith, Ph.D.

In other words, it was entirely independent of the earth and its rotation. It was a point in inter-planetary space. The effective perception of this fact amounted to a discovery, as Olmsted and Twining, who had "simultaneous ideas" on the subject, were the first to realize. Denison Olmsted was then Professor of Mathematics in Yale College.

On December 1st, at the appointed moment, in the midst of an immense concourse of spectators, the departure took place, and, for the first time in the world's history, three human beings quitted our terrestrial globe with some possibility in their favor of finally reaching a point of destination in the inter-planetary spaces.

And after a few moments we slackened, turned sharply into one of the inundated coves and nosed slowly amid a tangle of the jungle bank. And then I saw, hidden here in the recesses of this pathless forest, a small inter-planetary flyer, painted a hazy grey-blue. Around and over it the vegetation had been carefully, cunningly trained.

Could we traverse the inter-planetary ocean of ether, we might eventually find in Jupiter the land of Lilliput or in Ceres some old-time country of the Brobdignagians. For men constituted muscularly like ourselves would have to be proportionately small in the big planet and big in the small one. Still stranger things may exist around other suns.

The latter was not necessary on his training cruises, since all the details of a pilot's job the branch of the Service he had hoped to enter were the same for both inter-planetary and inter-stellar travel. It was the navigator's job that was the harder and more complicated on the longer, faster trips to destinations one could not see when blasting off.

What if even now the switches overcame me? Then something clicked under my hands, and in an instant that last vision of the moon world was hidden from my eyes. I was in the silence and darkness the inter-planetary sphere. Mr. Bedford in Infinite Space It was almost as though I had been killed. Indeed, I could imagine a man suddenly and violently killed would feel very much as I did.

But the mail news, before I could even begin to handle my section of it, was far overshadowed. Venus, now at 8:44 was calling us by helio. The message came in the inter-planetary code, was decoded at National Headquarters, and from there flashed to us. The ruler of the Venus Central State was murdered! An almost incoherent message.

In aspect the comet is no less thin and diffuse than in 1795 or in 1848. The character of the supposed resistance in inter-planetary space has, it may be remarked, been often misapprehended.