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Then I was warned to keep them in a tin-lined cage, as they would "gnaw through anything," even the solid teak chest in which they were kept was being rapidly demolished by their powerful incisors. The gerbilles were placed in a plant case, four feet long, with glass sides and top, through which their gambols could easily be seen.

Yarrell, examining, with the author of this work, one that had died, certainly not more than five years old, found that it had neither incisors nor canine teeth, and that the molars were reduced to one on each side, the large tubercular tooth being the only one that was remaining.

They have very sharp incisors and bite cattle and horses on the back or withers, men on the toes if exposed, and roosters on the comb. They live in caves, and not as the large fruit bats of India, which repose head downwards, hanging from trees in great colonies. Vampires live on blood, having no teeth suitable for mastication.

FIFTEEN YEARS. The angle with which the teeth meet is greater than at twelve, the teeth are smaller and dental stars are represented by dark round spots in all of the inferior incisors. The tables of the nippers and dividers are triangular. SEVENTEEN YEARS. All of the tables of the lower incisor teeth are triangular. The teeth are narrower and smaller than at fifteen.

They are not allowed to wear many ornaments, have to shave their heads, and generally rub them with lime, so that they look rather like white-headed vultures, all the more so as the deformed nose protrudes like a beak and the mouth is large. The two upper incisors are broken out as a sign of matrimony.

In most of them, however, there is some alteration of form and substance, both in the incisors and the tushes; but this depends so much on the kind of food on which the animal lives, and the consequent use of the teeth, that the indication of the age, by the altered appearance of the mouth, is not to be depended upon after the animal is four or five years old.

It is well to keep the following table of dentition in mind when examining the mouths of animals for the purpose of determining their age. Horses Cattle Hogs Teeth Temporary Permanent Temporary Permanent Temporary Permanent Incisors: yrs. mos. yrs. mos. mos.

In a limited number of cases, about the period of puberty there may develop deafness, which is usually bilateral and may become absolute. Changes in the Permanent Teeth. These affect specially the upper central incisors, which are dwarfed and stand somewhat apart in the gum, with their free edges converging towards one another.

"A bad shot, sir," replied Jarrett. "This is the way to take aim for effectually closing an eye." And he put a ball between the two eyes of the other man, who fell down dead. When Jarrett told this story his lip curled up and his two incisors appeared to be crunching the words with delight, and his bursts of stifled laughter sounded like the snapping of his jaws.

Andrews and named "Meritherium" by him, signifying "the beast of the Lake Meris." It had no trunk, and whilst it had six small and simplified mastodon-like grinders in each half of each jaw, it had six incisors in the upper jaw and a canine or corner tooth on each side. In the lower jaw there were only two large incisors besides the cheek-teeth or grinders.