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A great Russian physiologist, Pawlow, called attention to the fact that the introduction of a dilute mineral acid, such as the hydrochloric acid, normally a constituent of the stomach digestive fluid, into the upper part of the intestine, provoked a secretion of the pancreas, which is so important for intestinal digestion.

If the cow does not stop mix in the drinking water twice daily a little dilute hydrochloric acid. Also, have boxes arranged near feeding stalls which contain wood ashes, slaked lime and salt. Swelling on the Dewlap. I have a cow that has a large lump at the point of the breastbone, the dewlap. This lump is as large as a cocoanut, and was caused, I think, by friction against a low manger in eating.

Hold some powdered starch in the mouth until it completely dissolves and observe that it gradually acquires a sweetish taste. This shows the change of starch into sugar. Then add enough hydrochloric acid to give a slightly sour taste. Place in the artificial gastric juice thus prepared some boiled white of egg which has been finely divided by pressing it through a piece of wire gauze.

Method of Extraction from the Stomach. Boil the contents of the stomach in water, filter, pass hydrogen sulphide, filter, collect precipitate and boil in nitric acid, filter, dilute filtrate with water and apply tests. In the case of the solid organs, dry, incinerate, digest ash in hydrochloric acid, evaporate nearly to dryness, dilute with water, and test. Tests.

Boil the finely divided substance with about one-eighth its bulk of pure hydrochloric acid; add from time to time potassic chlorate until the solids are reduced to a straw-yellow fluid. Treat this with excess of bisulphate of sodium, then saturate with sulphuretted hydrogen until metals are thrown down as sulphides. These may be collected and tested.

For many animal tissues and fluids, especially if somewhat decomposed, yield not infrequently compounds of an oily nature with a mousey odour, fuming with hydrochloric acid and in short, acting just like conine. There is ample evidence, I have found, that conine or a substance possessing most, if not all, of its properties is at times actually produced in animal tissues by decomposition.

To thin mixture add 1 part of commercial hydrochloric acid. This is brushed over the zinc, and dries a dull-grey colour in from twelve to twenty-four hours, paint adhering perfectly to the surface thus formed. The following are the formulæ for a variety of baths, designed to impart to polished brass various colours.

In Dutch and factory cheeses, where the curd has been precipitated by hydrochloric acid, the food value is less than where rennet is used; but even in this case, it is far beyond meat in actual nutritive power." BUTTER is a purely carbonaceous or heat-giving food, being the fatty part of the milk, which rises in cream.

Fischer has shown, that when the enucleated eyeball is placed in a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, the swelling of the tissue colloids is sufficient in a few hours, to burst the sclero-corneal coat. But this is an eye in which all nutritional changes have ceased.

The curdling of milk by the rennet ferment present in the gastric juice, is quite different from that produced by the "souring of milk," or by the precipitation of caseinogen by acids. Experiment 69. To the test tube in the preceding experiment, add two teaspoonfuls of dilute hydrochloric acid, and keep at 100 degrees F. for two hours.