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"It's the jumps, Bill," gasped the other, "the 'orrors they've got me and no mistake. As I'm a livin' man, as I was a shovin' of that there truck, I saw a imp a gashly imp, Bill, stick its hugly 'ed over the side and say, 'Tommy, it ses, jest like that it ses, 'Tommy, I wants you! I dursn't go near it, Bill. I'll get leave, and go 'ome and lay up it glared at me so 'orrid, Bill, and grinned ugh!

As in diede it lyeth in the full course of the sonne, and is in continuall heate. Toward the weast it is hilly, in the middes grauell and sande, and on the easte waste and deserte. There be in it dyuers peoples of sondry phisonomy and shape, monstruous and of hugly shewe. Neuer vnder the bondage of any: but euer a free nacion.

Night came on; the train passed on at full speed, in the midst of the roaring of the tigers, bears, and wolves which fled before the locomotive; and the marvels of Bengal, Golconda ruined Gour, Murshedabad, the ancient capital, Burdwan, Hugly, and the French town of Chandernagor, where Passepartout would have been proud to see his country's flag flying, were hidden from their view in the darkness.

"Who is this?" said Mark, as, after gently letting Mr Russell's head sink back, his hands encountered another face. "I dunno, sir. It was every man for hisself, and I was thinking about Tom Fillot, AB, and no one else. What's he feel like?" "Like one of our men." "But is it a hugly one with very stiff whiskers? If so be it is, you may take your davy it's Joe Dance."

Night came on. The train passed on at full speed, in the midst of the roaring of the tigers, bears and wolves which fled before the locomotive. The marvels of Bengal, Golconda, ruined Gour, Murshedabad, the ancient capital, Burdwan, Hugly and the French town of Chandernagor, where Passepartout would have been proud to see his country's flag flying, were hidden from their view in the darkness.

Forthwith he created M.L. Sigden, a recluse of refined tastes who in The Bun demanded to know whether this Huckley-of-the-Hoopoe was the Hugly of his boyhood and whether, by any chance, the fell change of name had been wrought by collusion between a local magnate and the railway, in the mistaken interests of spurious refinement.

"I don't go so far as that, sir, for he's a dog as has had a horful bad eddication, but something might be made of him; and it was a pity, seeing why he came yowling about our place, as you was so handy heaving stones at him." "What?" cried Tom indignantly. "Well, sir, p'r'aps it was me. But it weer a pity, warn't it?" "Brutal," cried Tom. "Ah, it weer. He's a horful hugly dog though."

'For I knew it and loved it with the maidens of my day eheu ab angulo! as Hugly, wrote M.L. Sigden from Oxf. Though other papers scoffed, The Bun was gravely sympathetic. Several people wrote to deny that Huckley had been changed at birth. Only the Rector no philosopher as he pointed out, but a lover of accuracy had his doubts, which he laid publicly before Mr.

"'Tis lookin' high," put in Uncle Issy. "A cat may look at a king, if he's got his eyes about en," Old Zeb went on, "let alone a legacy an' a green cart. 'Tain't that: 'tis the maid." "How's mother?" asked the young man, to shift the conversation. "Hugly, my son. Hi!

"Naw, then," he said, "hobserve! There's my henemy. See 'is hugly mug. Hn-gah! Pint!!!" At the words of command, the sergeant major threw himself into his guard and attacked with such appalling ferocity as must have paralysed an ordinary foe, sending his bayonet clean through to his guard, and recovering it with a clean, swift movement.