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And here is Livingstone, with his grand craggy head and deep-set eyes, found in the heart of Africa, dead beside his couch, with ink scarcely dry on words that interpreted his vision: "God bless all men who in any way help to heal this open sore of the world!"

AN OLD WOMAN having lost the use of her eyes, called in a Physician to heal them, and made this bargain with him in the presence of witnesses: that if he should cure her blindness, he should receive from her a sum of money; but if her infirmity remained, she should give him nothing.

My own son has not only disgraced but fooled me, giving men good cause to say, 'Physician, heal thyself." He rose, and treading softly lest he should wake the only being he felt love for now, and whom he was loving less than before, for self-love and pride are antagonistic to all loves, left the room and went to his study.

Don shuddered more than once as he performed his task, and was glad when it was over, Jem looking on calmly the while. "Why, Mas' Don, a chap at home would want to go into hospital for less than that." "Yes, Jem; but these men seem so healthy and well, they heal up quickly, and bear their hurts as if nothing was wrong."

May angels heal thy sorrow, and guard me from sin, that hereafter at least we may meet again!" "He loves me he loves me still!" said the maiden, weeping at last; "and I am blest once more!"

If only Philippus were here!" "But we are all safe and well, thank God!" observed Orion, and she quickly replied: "Yes indeed, the Lord be praised!" But she thought to herself: "You think he is of no use but to heal the sick; but it is only when he is here that everything goes right and happens for the best!"

Jesus heard their thoughts and asked them why they reasoned in this way with themselves, and which seemed to them the easier, to forgive sins or to heal the body. But that they might know that He had power over the body as well as the soul He said to the sick man, "Arise; take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house."

The spear-wound was kept poulticed, and that in the head was plastered. Had the dog received such wounds at any other time they would have probably proved fatal; but on the plains wounds heal rapidly, and the brisk air and the life of activity and exercise render man and beast alike able to sustain serious injuries without succumbing.

And you would take from me the means for doing so? Yours is a wild and passionate nature, and I shall often have to heal the wounds that you have inflicted in your outbursts of anger. Happy for me if I should always be able to heal them, and if your anger should be less fatal to men than to my poor little dog, who merely wanted to defend me against your violence."

'I will only grant you your life, said the Knight, 'if you will proclaim publicly that you have foully slandered the Queen, and that you make no mention, on the tomb of Sir Patrise, that ever Queen Guenevere consented to his murder. 'All that will I do, said Sir Mador, and some Knights took him up, and carried him away to heal his wounds.