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Hagen tells her that he has been slain by a boar. The corpse is brought in and set down in the middle of the hall, amidst the wild lamentations of the widowed Gutrune. Hagen claims the ring, and stabs Gunther, who tries to prevent his taking it; but as he grasps at it, Siegfried's hand is raised threateningly, and Hagen sinks back abashed. Brünnhilde now comes in, sorrowful but calm.

Hagen replied that he had been ordered by his liege lords to sink it in the Rhine, and there must it lie till doomsday. At this Kriemhild grew wroth. Hagen went on to say that he had enough to do to carry his shield and breastplate.

"Dr. Hagen has remarked that he believes the fauna of the mountains of Ceylon to be quite different from that of the plains and of the shores. The south and west districts have a very moist climate, and as their vegetation is like that of Malabar, their insect-fauna will probably also resemble that of the latter region. "The insects mentioned in the following list are thus distributed:

But they have asked the wild things of the moss-country to dine with them, and now they can't get rid of their guests. If Grim Hagen and his soldiers should die, they would give up in a minute." "Are your men still armed, Val?" Odin asked. "Aye. They know to hang on to their weapons." "Not all of Maya's people are," Odin said. "I don't like the idea of the children and old men fighting."

Let him not suffer, because ye see him stand here bound." She bade Hagen then be led away to duress, where he lay locked in and where none did see him. Gunther, the high-born king, began to call: "Whither went the knight of Berne? He hath done me wrong." At this Lord Dietrich went to meet him.

And as for resentment, isn't this whole trip being made because you resent Grim Hagen " Ato's face was growing darker. "You signed the ship's articles, Nea. We go to rescue our friends and loved ones. We go as a police force to punish one who has done much evil " A grizzled Bron nodded in agreement. "Yes, Nea, this talk serves no purpose. Get along with your invention." "Very well.

Knightly he standeth there as for the onset he and his warriors with him. We will go down to him and greet him." "Thou mayest do that with honour," answered Hagen; "for he is of high birth, even a great king's son. By Christ, there is somewhat in his bearing that showeth he hath ridden hither on no slight matter."

The circumstances of Siegfried's death are likewise totally different in the two versions. In the Norse, as we have seen, he is murdered while asleep in bed, by Gunnar's younger brother Gutthorm. In our poem he is killed by Hagen, while bending over a spring to drink.

Now the Nibelungs could not perceive how they were to win over the stream, for it was broad and strong. And Hagen rebuked the King, saying: “Ill be with you, lord. See ye not that the river is swollen and its flood is mighty? Many a bold knight shall we lose here to-day

So he mused on the good old days, and what had happed long ago, for he had seen Hagen, that did him stark service in his youth. Yet now that he was old, he lost by him many a dear friend. Twenty-Ninth Adventure How Hagen and Folker Sat Before Kriemhild's Hall The two valiant knights, Hagen of Trony and Sir Dietrich, parted, and Gunther's man looked back for a comrade that he soon espied.