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Scarcely that, for it was a look of astonished and keen inquiry. He decides that he cannot understand it, though it was remarkably expressive. As he only waits for Mr. Grewgious now, and will depart immediately after having seen him, he takes a sauntering leave of the ancient city and its neighbourhood.

'Then WOULD you have the goodness to excuse my getting up to see you out, and to go out to join him, and to go the way that you were going, and to take no notice of our local friend? said Mr. Grewgious. 'I entertain a sort of fancy for having HIM under my eye to-night, do you know? Mr. Crisparkle, with a significant need complied; and rejoining Neville, went away with him.

'I thought he seemed to be a young fellow in a poor way, and I asked his leave only within a day or so to share my flowers up there with him; that is to say, to extend my flower-garden to his windows. 'Would you have the kindness to take seats? said Mr. Grewgious. 'I HAVE an idea! They complied; Mr. Tartar none the less readily, for being all abroad; and Mr.

He had been bred to the Bar, and had laid himself out for chamber practice; to draw deeds; 'convey the wise it call, as Pistol says. But Conveyancing and he had made such a very indifferent marriage of it that they had separated by consent if there can be said to be separation where there has never been coming together. No. Coy Conveyancing would not come to Mr. Grewgious.

All this set of conjectures is crude to the last degree. We do not know how Dickens meant to get Edwin into and out of the vault. Granting that Edwin was drugged, Jasper might lead Edwin in, considering the licence extended to the effects of drugs in novels, and might strangle him there. Above all, how did Grewgious, if in Cloisterham, come to be at hand at midnight?

Grewgious, bolt upright as usual, sat taking his wine in the dusk at his open window; his wineglass and decanter on the round table at his elbow; himself and his legs on the window-seat; only one hinge in his whole body, like a bootjack. 'How do you do, reverend sir? said Mr. Grewgious, with abundant offers of hospitality, which were as cordially declined as made.

Bazzard's father, being a Norfolk farmer, would have furiously laid about him with a flail, a pitch-fork, and every agricultural implement available for assaulting purposes, on the slightest hint of his son's having written a play. 'For pursuing his genius, sir? 'No, my dear, said Mr. Grewgious, 'for starvation. It was impossible to deny the position, that Mr.

Three hundred days in the year, at least, he crossed over to the hotel in Furnival's Inn for his dinner, and after dinner crossed back again, to make the most of these simplicities until it should become broad business day once more, with P. J. T., date seventeen-forty-seven. As Mr. Grewgious sat and wrote by his fire that afternoon, so did the clerk of Mr. Grewgious sit and write by HIS fire.

Grewgious, 'I charge you once more, by the living and by the dead, to bring that ring back to me! Here Bazzard awoke himself by his own snoring; and, as is usual in such cases, sat apoplectically staring at vacancy, as defying vacancy to accuse him of having been asleep. 'Bazzard! said Mr. Grewgious, harder than ever. 'I follow you, sir, said Bazzard, 'and I have been following you.

'We write to one another, said Rosa, pouting, as she recalled their epistolary differences. 'Such is the meaning that I attach to the word "correspond" in this application, my dear, said Mr. Grewgious. 'Good.