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The doctor who had been taking care of gran'ther since he came to live with us said that it would be crazy to think of such a thing.

"We took reserved seats, which cost a quarter apiece, instead of the unshaded ten-cent benches, and gran'ther began at once to pour out to me a flood of horse-talk and knowing race-track aphorisms, which finally made a young fellow sitting next to us laugh superciliously. Gran'ther turned on him heatedly.

"Now don't let the rebels hit you in the backbone, Thomas," said gran'ther Green, as he shook the hand of the soldier boy. "No, gran'ther; if I can't fight, I won't run away," replied Tom. "You've got good blood in your veins, my boy: don't disgrace it.

Her own reflected it. "Where are they, gran'ther?" asked Mary. But she was the more excited; she could only whisper. "They're loose sheets o' paper," returned Nicholas, "an' they're in my bag!" Mary made an involuntary movement toward the bag, which lay, innocently secretive, on a neighboring chair. Even its advertising legend had a knowing look. Nicholas followed her glance.

She leaned forward, in a deadly earnestness. "Gran'ther," said she, "did they settle here first? Or or was it Sudleigh?" Now, indeed, was Nicholas Oldfield the herald of news good both to tell and hear. "The fust settlement," said he, as if he read it from the book of fate, "was made in Tiverton, on the sixteenth day of the month; the second in Sudleigh, on the twenty-fifth."

There was Gran'ther Pritchard, a doddering, toothless man of seventy-odd, and his wife, a tall, lean, lame old woman with a crutch who sat all through the mealtimes speechlessly staring at the stranger, with faded gray eyes. There was Mr. Pritchard and his son Joel, gaunt Yankees, toiling with fierce concentration to "get the crops in" after a late spring. Finally there was Mrs.

But he needn't think he can buy Oldfield land, an' set up a house there, as if 't was all in the day's work. Why, Mary, I meant to leave that land to you! An' p'raps you won't marry. Nobody knows. Then, 't would stand in the name a mite longer." Mary blushed a little, but her eyes never wavered. "No, gran'ther," said she firmly, "I sha'n't ever marry anybody."

If he had only had a magic mirror such as Beauty had in the palace of the Beast, he might have looked into it and seen them going patiently about their daily tasks with nothing to break the monotonous routine of work except a visit from Gran'ther Wattles, who came to see if Nancy knew her catechism.

The merry-go-round had just come in at that time, and gran'ther had never experienced it before. After the first giddy flight we retired to a lemonade-stand to exchange impressions, and finding that we both alike had fallen completely under the spell of the new sensation, gran'ther said that we 'sh'd keep on a-ridin' till we'd had enough!

Why, my gran'ther helped send the Spanish Armada to the bottom where it belonged. Many and many 's the time I 've heard him tell about it, and I judge from what he said he must have done most of the job himself, though I reckon old Cap'n Drake may have helped some." That was twenty years ago, and I 've been following the sea myself ever since.