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Max made a gesture expressive of indifference on that point. "People who form the drug habit are seldom over-squeamish in other respects," he said. "He has certainly hastened matters, but he is not responsible for the evil itself. That has been germinating during the whole of her life." "And that was why Sir Kersley jilted her mother?" Olga spoke in a low, detached voice.

Reproduced by division and by resting spores produced in sporangia formed after the conjugation of two cells and union of their contents, and by zoospores formed in the vegetative cells or in the germinating resting spores. Diatomaceae. Multiplied by division and by the formation of new larger individuals out of the contents of individual conjugated cells; perhaps also by spores and zoospores.

He is one of the greatest spirits that survived the bankruptcy of Romanticism. He excels in the description of country nooks and corners; of that polite rusticity which knows nothing of the delving laborers of 'La Terre', but only of graceful and learned leisure, of solitude nursed in revery, and of passion that seems the springtide of germinating nature.

To prevent the grain from germinating, they bite off the embryo root a piece of animal intelligence outdone by another species of ant, which actually allows the process of budding to begin, so as to produce sugar, as in malting. After the last thunderstorms of the monsoon the little proprietors bring up all the grain from their granaries to dry in the tropical sunshine.

In other words, the fungus growing in the cortex of the pine, and that parasitic on the leaves of the groundsel and its allies, are one and the same: it spends part of its life on the tree and the other part on the herb. A spore of Peridermium Pini germinating.

If you are successful in your application for a "place," it may be that the casual meeting in the forest or on the prairie was the seed which, germinating through long years of obscurity, finally sprung up thus, and bore a crop of high official honors! The next time you meet a family of emigrants on the frontier, you will probably observe them a little more closely.

He conducted a research into pre-documentary history. He collected information along the lines indicated by certain interrogations; and the bulk of his work was the digesting and critical analysis of that. For documents and monuments he had fossils and anatomical structures and germinating eggs too innocent to lie, and so far he was nearer simplicity.

'Barley and wheat come up monophyllous, but peas, beans, and chick peas polyphyllous. Historia plantarum, viii. 1, i. There can be no doubt that here is a piece of minute observation on the behaviour of germinating seeds.

He, however, exerted his influence to restore peace between the English and Sicilians, and shortly afterwards set sail for Acre, with distrust of his ally germinating in his heart. Richard remained behind for some weeks, in a state of inactivity quite unaccountable in one of his temperament.

If she had only pressed them a little further if she had not unconsciously led me astray again by the very next question that fell from her lips she must have communicated to my mind the idea obscurely germinating in hers the idea of a possible identity between the Mary of my first love and Mrs. Van Brandt! "Tell me," she went on. "If you met with your little Mary now, what would she be like?