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The house furnished no supper; but a woman attended with mutton pies, which anybody might purchase." If the testimony of Pope is to be trusted, the cuisine of the Bedford Head, which was described in 1736 as "a noted tavern for eating, drinking, and gaming, in Southampton Street, Covent Garden," was decidedly out of the ordinary.

He came from Heinz Schorlin, and reminded Siebenburg of his by no means inconsiderable debt; but the latter begged him to have patience a little longer, as he had met with heavy losses at the gaming table the night before, and Ploss agreed to wait till St. How many besides the tailor had large demands! and when could Seitz begin to cancel his debts?

You will establish a gaming table at the Parc-aux-Cerfs, and never quit it again." Comte Jean began to laugh, and then seriously advised me to follow the plain counsel of the duc de Richelieu. I decided on doing so. I sent for Madame. She came with all the dignity of an abbess of a regally founded convent.

She listened carefully to what he said. He touched but lightly upon his wickednesses, although they were plain enough to any listener of sense, and bemoaned his fearful passion for gaming, which was sure to bring him to misery one day or another. "When I have staked my vessel and have lost it," said he, "then there will be an end of me."

They betted away the week at billiards or whist or picquet or loo, and sometimes measured swords for diversion, tho' this pastime the bailiff was greatly set against; as calculated to deprive him of a lodger. Although we had no money for gaming, and little for wine or tobacco, the captain and I were received very heartily into the fraternity.

"He is there now," she said. "I saw something about him in the papers three days ago something concerning a concession for a gaming casino." "Oh!" I cried. "Then it is in the papers eh?"

"A tie, by thunder!" he cried out in huge enjoyment. "We're getting a run for our money, Mexico. Shall I shake next?" "Follow your hand," said Ruiz Rios briefly. That which followed next would have appeared unbelievable to any who have not over and over watched the inexplicable happenings of a gaming table. Kendric made his second throw and lifted his eyebrows quizzically at the result.

Then, as I advanced resolutely among the gaming tables, I felt a cuff upon the shoulder and heard a bluff voice in my ear. "Hello, old hoss. How are tricks by this time?" He was grinning affably, apparently none the worse for wear save a slightly swollen lower lip; he seemed in good humor. "Shake," he proffered, extending his hand. "No hard feelin's here. I'm no Injun.

"You must not suppose," said Jonson some minutes afterwards, "from our use of this language, that our club consists of the lower order of thieves quite the contrary: we are a knot of gentlemen adventurers who wear the best clothes, ride the best hacks, frequent the best gaming houses, as well as the genteelest haunts, and sometimes keep the first company in London.

The baron and his friend did a little gaming and won a little money, but I held aloof from them to the best of my ability. I had my colony and Donna Ignazia, and wanted to live peacefully; and if I had spent a single night away from home, the innocent girl would have been filled with alarm. About that time M. de Mocenigo went as ambassador to France, and was replaced by M. Querini.