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Beyond that, swimming was the only method of reaching the goal. Leaving their guns behind them, Colonel Funston and three others swung themselves off the bridge and into the stream. Quite unarmed, the four landed and rushed the nearest trenches. Fortunately these had been abandoned under American fire, and rifles and cartridges had been left behind.

THE BRONCHO RIDER BOYS WITH FUNSTON AT VERA CRUZ; or, Upholding the Honor of the Stars and Stripes. When trouble breaks out between this country and Mexico, the boys are eager to join the American troops under General Funston. Their attempts to reach Vera Cruz are fraught with danger, but after many difficulties, they manage to reach the trouble zone, where their real adventures begin.

The first gun has been fired. The call for volunteers has come from Washington, and the Governor has said he will make Fred Funston Colonel of the first regiment of Kansas volunteers, and he sent out his appeal for loyal Kansas men to offer themselves. I tell you again, Leigh Shirley, I'll not be the one hundred and twenty-five thousandth man in the line.

If you will take seats in it, we shall be speedily at my house. You will pardon me if I speak nothing but Spanish, as I know very little English, although" with an expressive glance at Gen. Funston "I hope to know it better." Following Don Esteban, they were soon speeding through the streets and five minutes later entered a handsome patio. "This is my house," said Don Esteban.

When Lieutenant Blunt was made acquainted with the conditions prevailing in the house, he immediately took possession of the lower floor and from that time on until the arrival of General Funston with the Fifth Brigade, it was made one of the official residences. The week following the occupation of Vera Cruz by the American forces was a busy one for our boys.

He only hoped they would prove to be just as successful in their mission as Funston was when he carried Aguinaldo back to Manila, and thus broke the backbone of the native uprising against the authority of Uncle Sam. Perk was already reaching out toward the bucket he discovered perched on the rocky border of the well.

As he stood before the white-haired physician whom he had loved from earliest memory, Carey murmured to himself: "Can the world find grander soldiers to fight its battles than these sun-browned boys from our old Kansas prairies?" "We are going across to Luna's stronghold in a few minutes. Watch him go into eclipse before Fred Funston. If you stand right here, you'll see me helping at the job.

He shook her hand once more, ran down the hill, turned and waved his cap, and trudged off in the direction of the Presidio. She slept in her own house that night, for dynamiting by miners summoned from Grass Valley by General Funston, and a change of wind, had saved the western portion of the city. For the first time in her life Gora experienced a sense of profound gratitude, almost of happiness.

"Ugly greasers?" "No," replied Donald, "we're shadowing a man who is wanted by Gen. Funston. That's him," pointing; "keep your eye on him." "I thought you chaps had something on," laughed the soldier. "You can bet on me!"

There was some food to be had, bakeries were quickly built within the military reservation there, and General Funston announced that rations would soon reach the city and the people would be supplied from the Presidio. But there was scarcely any water to relieve the thirst of the suffering.