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Magnus was by nature a public man, judicious, deliberate, standing firm for principle, yet upon rare occasion, by some such remark as this, he would betray the presence of a sub-nature of recklessness, inconsistent, all at variance with his creeds and tenets. At the very bottom, when all was said and done, Magnus remained the Forty-niner.

He put his hands into his pockets and strutted the length of the room; a minute later he stopped beside the piano and struck a triumphant chord; then he sat down and began to play uproariously, singing to a crashing accompaniment: "... lived a miner, a forty-niner, With his daughter Clementine! Oh my darling, oh my darling "

Lem had come out of the back streets of an eastern city, bringing his brood of tall, silent, savage boys to live upon the land and, like the forty-niner, to be a sport. Thinking the wealth that had come to him vast beyond spending, he had plunged into horse racing and gambling.

Probably that was the only prospect hole in that part of the Sierra Nevada, and it must have been dug by some half-cracked Forty-niner like Marshall, who prospected all the way from Yuma to the Columbia. Zeke vows it was dug by Providence.

Nineteen fair to middling Wallachian girls offered at L130 @ 150, but no takers; sixteen prime A 1 sold in small lots to close out terms private. "Sales of one lot Circassians, prime to good, 1852 to 1854, at L240 @ 242, buyer 30; one forty-niner damaged at L23, seller ten, no deposit. Several Georgians, fancy brands, 1852, changed hands to fill orders.

Roving over the interior, the miners leave a land as nearly ruined as human effort can render it. In the wake of these nugget-hunters, future years bring those who make the abandoned hills lovely with scattered homes. They are now hidden by orchards, vineyards, and gardens. Peaceful flocks and herds prove that the Golden Age of California is not to be these wild days of the barbaric Forty-niner.

Benton and "Forty-niner" would faithfully perform their duty toward him, they elected to do it along lines of their own. Events crowded one another at Sobrante.

They began to feel, as John had said, that "nothing save disaster was meant for Sobrante folks;" yet, after a moment, "Forty-niner" perceived another side of the matter, and expressed himself thus: "What's got into the pack of us? Seems if we'd lost our gumption. After all, couldn't anything have happened likelier, so far forth as I see.

"Twenty!" echoed Bucks, as if that were not very much, either. "Twenty!" repeated the lineman. "But," he added, drawing himself up in his tremendous stature, with dignity, "I have been on the plains driving wagons and building telegraph lines for seven years " "Seven years!" echoed Bucks, now genuinely admiring his companion. "My father was a Forty-niner.

Welcome home, old boy! Well, well, well! if you ain't a sight to cure the headache! Yes, yes; it's all right. This is Marion. We've got to stop at Aleck's first. Remember Aleck? Remember Janet and her sugar? Well, well, well!" Ninian approached, amazed and incredulous, inquiring: "Think that creature knows what you're saying?" "Forty-niner" turned upon the questioner indignantly.