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During several seconds the King lay quite still, with the Chancellor underneath him; and Yellow-cap began to feel uneasy, for he reflected that if the King should lie still permanently his own position might become awkward. He spoke of this in a low tone to Silvia, who was coquetting with her sweetheart the donkey-driver across the donkey's back.

"That's right, gentlemen; I don't want to spile sport," said the donkey's man. "O' course you ends your Epsom-day with spirit." "There's sunset on their faces," said the cabman. "Would you try a by-lane, gentlemen?" But now the donkey's man had inspected the figures of the antagonistic couple. "Taint fair play," he said to Sedgett. "You leave that gentleman alone, you, sir?"

If you had my nankeens on," said the squire, still rubbing himself, "and had fallen into a thicket of thistles, with a donkey's teeth within an inch of your ear " "It is not gone, then?" interrupted the parson. "No, that is, I think not," said the squire, dubiously; and he clapped his hand to the organ in question. "No! it is not gone!" "Thank Heaven!" said the good clergyman, kindly.

In such a monstrous deck-cargo, all poised above the donkey's shoulders, with nothing below to balance, on a brand-new pack-saddle that had not yet been worn to fit the animal, and fastened with brand-new girths that might be expected to stretch and slacken by the way, even a very careless traveller should have seen disaster brewing.

"Don't let them affront her with their money; she will fling it in their faces as she did that donkey's dollar. You see to her in your nice, delicate way, Aunty, and give her a lift if she will let you," whispered Captain John in the old lady's ear. "Don't waste your pity, Miss Florence. Ruth reads a newspaper better than any woman I ever knew.

Therefore, he had this afternoon gone to High Street, Clapham, to apply for seven pun' thirteen, and not take a penny less. Hence his son's ability to give attention to local matters, and a temporary respite to his donkey's labours in a paddock at Notting Hill. As for Dave, and for that matter the freckly boy, it was not term-time with them, for some reason.

When he heard this the coachman, who understood the cat's language better than the prince, his master, stopped his horses and asked: 'Does your highness know what the grimalkins are saying? and the song broke forth again louder than ever. With a turn of his hand the prince threw back the veil, and discovered the puffed-up, swollen face of Peppina, with the donkey's tail twisted round her head.

"Now the trick!" cried Ezra, who had been hopping from foot to foot during his aunt's long speech. "Have I not been teaching him for more than a week? Say thy lesson well, little donkey! Stand here before him, Naomi!" Samuel placed Naomi in position. "Thy donkey's name, Naomi," went on Ezra, "is Michmash, because he comes from the town of that name. Now place thy hands upon the tips of his ears.

At Frank's suggestion, Bart again tied the stone to the donkey's tail, to prevent the braying. Then they sat and waited for daylight and the arrival of their chums. The hours were long and full of terror. They did not know what to do. They could only wait for morning, and when that came they did not know that they would be any better off. The rain stopped.

"Why, what's the matter?" demanded Sam innocently. "Isn't it a good picture? "I'll picture you!" "I thought I was doing my best." "Show me off for a donkey! If it wasn't against the rules I'd I'd wollop you!" "A donkey! Oh, Peleg, I did nothing of the kind! Here is your picture, on my word of honor." "It's a donkey's head, I say." "And I say it's your picture.