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Touching my hand with the bundle of new-cut quills, he said: "Dites donc, petite soeur speak frankly what have you thought of me during the last two days?" But of this question I would take no manner of notice; its purport made my eyes fill. I caressed Sylvie assiduously.

The wily Cardinal whom she had once met in the salon of a French prelate had at first answered only, with that accent of his, neither French nor Italian: "C'est vous qui me dites ça? C'est vous qui me dites ça?" In fact, Donna Rosetta had replied, laughing: "Oh c'est énorme, je le sais!" It was a speech which might cost her husband his title of Excellency.

"Antoinette, dites

Then, significantly, and with a touch of impatience, "Allez," she added, "et dites bien a votre bonhomme entendez-vous? qu'il faut avaler la pilule." After such a warning there was nothing for it but to sign and pay. Mr. Gould had swallowed the pill, and it was as though it had been compounded of some subtle poison that acted directly on his brain.

She loved her joke, this shrewd old lady. "Dites, Madame," she said, "is it true that you give away flannel petticoats and stockings?" "Yes, Madame, when one has need of them." "Is it possible? And for nothing? Ah, that is good, that is generous. Tonight I shall tell Sainte Claire about you. Would you like to see my 'tiote Sainte Claire?"

The Duke and his mother, as well as Lasse, the friend of the latter, have gained several millions. The Prince has gained less, and yet his winnings, they say, amount to millions. The two cousins do not stir from the Rue de Quincampoix, which has given rise to the following epigram: Prince dites nous vos exploits Que faites vous pour votre gloire? Taisez-vous sots!

"Dites-moi qu'est-ce-que ce terrible classique notte? Dites!" No one seemed prepared to answer Mademoiselle's challenge.

Comme vous le dites fort bien, il y a des bonheurs que la politique ne peut pas empoisonner, et ce sont les plus solides. L'annee 1886, je le crois comme vous, nous reserve des surprises plus dramatiques que celle don't nous venons de voir la fin.

"Toutes vos descriptions nous ont divertis au dernier point; nous sommes charmés, comme vous, de la douceur de l'air, de la noble antiquité des eglises honorées comme vous dites, de la presence et de la residence de tant de Papes, &c. &c."

"Lanciers du 6-me," * replied Dolokhov, neither hastening nor slackening his horse's pace. * "Lancers of the 6th Regiment." The black figure of a sentinel stood on the bridge. "Mot d'ordre." * * "Password." Dolokhov reined in his horse and advanced at a walk. "Dites donc, le colonel Gerard est ici?" * he asked. * "Tell me, is Colonel Gerard here?"