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There are two beings, he says, namely Father and Mother, who can never be adequately repaid . If a man were to carry his parents about on his shoulders for a hundred years or could give them all the kingdoms and treasures of the earth, he still would not discharge his debt of gratitude . But whereas Confucius said that the good son does not deviate from the way of his father, the Buddha, who was by no means conservative in religious matters, said that the only way in which a son could repay his parents was by teaching them the True Law.

It was too dark for recognition of features, but there was a silvery quality in the girl's voice which piqued the interest of the newcomer and caused him to deviate from his avowed purpose of self-withdrawal. It seemed to him that music sounded across a space of years music remembered and longed for. "The dismissal is unmistakable in its terms," he answered.

But, as there are exigencies among mortals which sometimes oblige them to deviate from the common rules of conduct, the same things may, perhaps, occur among ghosts. In the present instance, indeed, something of the kind seemed to be indispensable; for, without such aid, more than half its terrors would have been invisible.

"Yes, I had a thought of it; but somehow this seemed to influence me not to deviate in the least, and to give me faith and confidence in our final success; and yet I cannot but believe this to be only an optical illusion. It must be; it cannot, it seems to me, be otherwise. "'There is one thing, General: it appears to be leading you, or, at least, helping your faith, in the right direction.

"Oh, what an undutiful son I have been!" cried Harry; "had I known then what I know now! and yet, the fiend would not have turned a hand, had it been his own father! Thank God, I have his forgiveness for disobeying his last commands! 't is the one great lesson of my life, and should I live a hundred years, I will never deviate from what I think would have been my parent's wishes."

They understood clearly that if the initial army happened to deviate from this pact, it would be necessary for such a large army, stripped of all resources by poverty, to wage war against the perfidious prince, contrary to the oaths they had taken.

The Professor hoped that the pursued might deviate from their path and bring them to the river below their camp, but in this he was disappointed, as the first of the savages made his appearance from the brush directly across the river, soon followed by a dozen or more, all in precipitous retreat. They now had the first close view of the savages.

At this elevation the snow had formed a crust, over which the single Chinaman a lithe young figure skimmed like a skater, while Masterton's horse crashed though it into unexpected depths. Again, the runner could deviate by a shorter cut, while the horseman was condemned to the one half obliterated trail.

And when he reached the age of choice he had been too fully occupied to deviate from the straight path, along which his mother had taught him to creep and toddle, and along which he now proceeded to walk upright, without thought of what lay on either side. Vitality cannot be used over again. If it be expended on one thing, there is none left for the other thing. And so with Vance Corliss.

Madame Pfeiffer, during her residence at a friend's house, beheld the advance of a swarm of this description. It was really interesting to see what a regular line they formed; nothing could make them deviate from the direction on which they had first determined.