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Supper over, Private Smith and his protectors retired to their couches, where the former lay in much anxiety until two in the morning, when they got under way. "It's all right, my lad," said Dan, after the watch had been set, as he came and stood by the deserter's bunk; "I 've saved you I've saved you for twenty-five shillings." "I wish it was more," said Private Smith politely.

Early in the morning, they started again. For the first two hours, the road led through grass so high that even the men on camels could not see above it. They pushed on till eight o'clock, when they reached a small knoll. At the foot of this they halted, and Colonel Parsons and the officers ascended it, to reconnoitre. They saw, at once, that the deserter's news was true.

The discovery of the deserter's whereabouts is not only the first but the most urgent of the problems that confront the worker who tries to deal with a deserted family. Unless he can be found the whole plan rests upon shifting sand. A prompt and vigorous effort to find the absentee is therefore a first requisite in dealing with family desertion.

To remain here was to risk with every moment that ordeal of recognition which he so utterly dreaded; and to flee was to leave his name to the men, with whom he had served so long, covered with obloquy and odium, buried under all the burning shame and degradation of a traitor's and deserter's memory.

The case worker cannot be expected to have such knowledge at his finger-tips, but he can go to people who know about the fluctuations of particular trades to employers, union officials or fellow-workmen who may throw light on a deserter's movements. The story of Adolph R. is an excellent illustration of the help that may be obtained from trades unions and from fellow-workmen.

The next time Johann went out, they arrested him. And he was shot at Spandau!" "Shot?" I exclaimed. "Why?" "As a deserter." "But was he a deserter?" "Ach! was! But he had a deserter's papers in his pockets ... his own had vanished. Ach! it's a bad thing to quarrel with Haase!" I made a point of keeping on the right side of the landlord after that.

The common practice of recording carefully what led up to a chronic deserter's last desertion before his family applied, and of passing over his earlier desertions with a mere mention of their number and dates, puts the emphasis in the wrong place. We must, however, go further back than the first desertion for a working fund of knowledge.

No matter how far apart they have drifted, or how unforgivable has been the deserter's offense, something irrevocable does happen to the fabric of marriage, a few poor shreds of which may still exist between the two, when his wife appears in a court of law to make complaint against him.

Rafael, to what have we brought you? Your poor muscles are soft, where ours are now as hard as a deserter's from an American barque ay, yi!" "If they have but the chance to become soft once more after they too are hard!" muttered Rafael, who was panting and lagging. "That priest! that priest!" "It is true," said Roldan, pausing abruptly. "You will not dare to return home at present nor we.

If the trial had been hard when mercifully unanticipated, what would it be to meet my enemy now that I knew myself conquered? Would It not deliberately forestall Desire's coming, tonight? "Mightn't you help the lady more if you went away now, and came back?" he urged. The deserter's argument, time without end! Was I to fall as low as that?