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I'll go up there right away and see if there is anything I can do. Would you like to go with me?" McCoy could only nod and the two men left the building together. The hearts of men are tested in various crucibles. In a smoothly-moving world human paths diverge and the grooves are often widened by indifference.

We have seen that the workman who has charge of the fire contents himself with putting charcoal and ore alternately into the crucibles, and that too according to the aspect of the flames, without making any examination in the interior, in order to judge whether the work is proceeding well.

The filtrate and washings should always be carefully examined for minute quantities of the sulphate which may pass through the pores of the filter. Subsequent ignition, with ready access of air, reconverts the sulphide to sulphate unless a considerable reduction has occurred. PROCEDURE. Weigh out, into platinum crucibles, two portions of about 0.5 gram of the sulphate.

In one corner of the closet was a very small furnace, with a glowing fire in it, and on the fire a kind of duplicate crucible two crucibles connected by a tube. One of these crucibles was nearly full of lead in a state of fusion, but not reaching up to the aperture of the tube, which was close to the brim.

This partition was of wood painted the universal chocolate, up to about eight feet from the ground, and then of glass. Through the glass I saw dimly a crowded suggestion of crucibles and glass retorts, and by Jove! yes! the dear old Wimblehurst air-pump still! It gave me quite a little thrill that air-pump!

Poring over his crucibles, making experiments with colour, trying, by a strange variation of the alchemist's dream, to discover the secret, not of an elixir to make man's natural life immortal, but rather of giving immortality to the subtlest and most delicate effects of painting, he seemed to them rather the sorcerer or the magician, possessed of curious secrets and a hidden knowledge, living in a world of which he alone possessed the key.

To Grio its aspect was familiar: but in this case familiarity had not removed his awe of the unknown and the magical. He looked about him now, and after a pause: "I suppose you do it with these," he murmured, and with an almost imperceptible shiver he pointed to the crucibles. "With those?"

He gave himself up to dreams; to the illusions of fancy; to the vast desires of the human soul. He sought after the impossible. He sought after the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone. The wealth, that should have fed the poor, was melted in his crucibles.

Skihi, who, catching his friend by the tails of his dressing gown, had him right side up in a hurry, exclaiming, "Crucibles and gasbags! my good sir, have you gone crazy?" "No, indeed," returned Dr. Sheepshanks, with a gleeful laugh. "I have made a discovery, sir a great discovery.

Nature treats us with magnificent indifference in her great regenerating factory: placed in her crucibles, animals and men, beggars and kings are 1 and all alike. There you have true equality, the only equality in this world of ours: equality in the presence of the maggot.