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If Burmester is to be judged by his playing of the Beethoven concerto in Boston, good musicians will declare that Joachim was right in refusing the certificate, for while his technique was brilliant it appeared to lack foundation. Time may justify the stand which the young virtuoso has taken in opposition to his teacher, for he is still young and has time in which to develop.

After the tragedy a Bristolian Paganini performed a concerto on one string. Dall declares that the whole orchestra played the whole time but some sounds reached me in my dressing-room that were decidedly unique more ways than one, not at all unlike our favorite French fantasia "Complainte d'un cochon au lait qui rêve."

It was during his residence in Paris in the winter of 1834 that he proposed to Berlioz, for whom he had the most cordial esteem and admiration, to write a concerto for his Stradiuarius violin, which resulted in the famous symphony "Harold en Italie."

When I play a violin concerto it seems fair enough to give the public three or four nice little things, but always pieces which are truly musical, not such as are only 'ear-ticklers. Kreisler he has a great talent for transcription has made charming arrangements. So has Tivadar Nachéz, of older things, and Arthur Hartmann.

So she feigned an interest she was far from feeling and discussed the day's hunting with snatches of melody from the concerto running through her mind all the time.

Many of the ladies are young quite girls; and a good many of the gentlemen are solemn old foggies, who appear strongly inclined to go to sleep, and, in fact, sometimes do. Meantime, the music goes on. A long, long sonata or concerto piano and violin, or piano, violin, and violoncello is listened to in profound silence, with a low murmur of applause at the end of each movement.

In order that the works may follow as nearly as possible in their proper order, I have marked the numbers to be placed on each, as follows: Solo Sonata, Op. 22. Symphony, Op. 21. Septet, Op. 20. Concerto, Op. 19. I will send you their various titles shortly. The arrangement of Mozart's Sonatas as quartets will do you much credit, and no doubt be profitable also.

She played the phantasie-caprice by Vieuxtemps in a concert at the Musical Union when she was ten years of age, and at thirteen she went on a tour and played Bruch's G minor concerto. Soon after this she had the misfortune to lose her father, and a little later her violin teacher, Pleiner, also died, so that her progress received a check.

We left on Saturday, the 14th, and on the previous Thursday there was an afternoon concert at Cannabich's, where my concerto for three pianos was given. Madlle. Rose Cannabich played the first, Madlle. Weber the second, and Madlle. We had three rehearsals of the concerto, and it went off well. Madlle. With this last air my dear Madlle. Weber gained very great honor both for herself and for me.

In the first movement of the Second Symphony, just before the appearance on the oboe of the scarcely disguised "Sleep" motif from "Die Walküre," a theme almost directly lifted out of Beethoven's violin concerto is announced on the 'cellos and horns.