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These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.

If I were to tell everything of what I remember in connection with those days, I should produce such a book as non , non homines, non concessere columnae a book such as neither publishers, nor readers, nor the columns of the critical journals would tolerate, and should fill my pages with names, which, however interesting they may still be for me, would hardly have any interest for the public, however gentle or pensive.

Ad introitum montis habetur capella, et in illa lapis monumenti quem Ioseph de Arimathea obuoluit ad ostium sepulchri est valde magnus, et est ibidem aliqua pars columnae flagellationis, ac pars mensae super quam Dominus vltimo caenauit cum Apostolis, et instituit noui Testamenti sacramentum sui venerandi corporis, et sanguinis.

"Mediocribus esse poetis Non dii, non homines, non concessere columnae." I would to God this sentence was written over the doors of all our printers, to forbid the entrance of so many rhymesters! "Verum Nihil securius est malo poetae."

These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.

If I were furnished with materials, I should be very glad to write it. Mr. Scott of Amwell's Elegies were lying in the room. Dr. Johnson observed, 'They are very well; but such as twenty people might write. Upon this I took occasion to controvert Horace's maxim, mediocribus esse poetis Non Di, non homines, non concessere columnae.

In Ononis columnae five of the alternate stamens are rudimentary; and in some species of Viola three stamens are in this state, two retaining their proper function, but being of very small size.

To them the poet gave this friendly counsel, to lock up their creations for nine years, and then publish, or as we may shrewdly suspect he meant destroy them. Poetry is the one thing that, if it is to be done at all, must be done well: "Mediocribus esse poetis Non di, non homines, non concessere columnae." In Horace's opinion none of the old poetry came up to this standard.

Besides, I do not know that dulness is strength, or that an observation is slight because it is striking. Mediocrity, insipidity, want of character is the great fault. Mediocribus esse poetis Non Dii, non homines, non concessere columnae. Neither is this privilege allowed to prose-writers in our time any more than to poets formerly.

The dabblers, whether in verse or in any other high sphere, should be every day unsparingly reminded that neither gods, nor men, nor booksellers have pardoned their mediocrity: mediocribus esse poetis Non homines, non , non concessere columnae. Are they not the weeds that prevent the corn coming up, so that they may cover all the ground themselves?