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These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.

These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.