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Do you think I mean to forget your kicking me when I was a lad, and eating all the best victual away from me and my mother? Do you think I forget your always coming home to sell and pocket everything, and going off again leaving us in the lurch? I should be glad to see you whipped at the cart-tail.

As to persecuting these people, we have been quite too charitable to them, especially of late, and they are getting bolder in consequence; as, for example, the behavior of that shameless young wench in Newbury, who disturbed Brother Richardson's church with her antics not long ago. She should have been tied to the cart-tail and whipped all the way to Rhode Island."

"And what did become of the women?" I asked. "They kept them in jail awhile," said Nurse Lake, "and then sent them back to England. But the others that followed fared harder, some getting whipped at the cart-tail, and others losing their ears. The hangman's wife showed me once the ears of three of them, which her husband cut off in the jail that very morning."

In fact, they never give it a rest. I suppose you heard some of those cart-tail fellows spouting on the subject over here on the east side." "I heard it from a king," said Finch "the white king of a tribe of Indians in South America." I was interested but not surprised. The big city is like a mother's knee to many who have strayed far and found the roads rough beneath their uncertain feet.

They'd do the like to thee, thou little vain man, if Mary Antony reported on thy ways. Wouldst like to hang, in thy red doublet?" The robin had heard this warning tale many times already, told by old Mary Antony with infinite variety. Sometimes the tongue of the baker's boy was cut out at the roots; sometimes he lost his ears, or again, he was tied to a cart-tail, and flogged through the Tything.

In three strides I was abreast the cart-tail. "See him then," said I. "And tell him that if any one uses this Lane for the purpose of wilfully annoying those living near it I'll not only forbid his using it, but I'll prosecute him for trespass. I mean that. Stop! I advise you not to say another word."

As to persecuting these people, we have been quite too charitable to them, especially of late, and they are getting bolder in consequence; as, for example, the behavior of that shameless young wench in Newbury, who disturbed Brother Richardson's church with her antics not long ago. She should have been tied to the cart-tail and whipped all the way to Rhode Island."

A whipping at the cart-tail ought to be the ways on her. She's been and seen some young buck. Then John Crumb turned red all over, through the flour, and sparks of anger flashed from his eyes. 'You ain't a meaning of it, master? 'I'm told there's been the squoire's cousin aboot, him as they call the baronite. 'Been along wi' Ruby? The old man nodded at him.

He left the skin on a cart-tail for the world to see, and sought the Colonel. "They're perfectly right," he explained earnestly. "There isn't an ounce of vice in 'em. They were only frightened. I've vaccinated the whole boiling, and they like it awfully. What are what are we doing here, sir?" "That's what I'm trying to find out," said the Colonel.

That night there were strong purging herbs in the broth of Mother Sub-Prioress. Yet she did but keep her bed for one day. Like the Poor, she is not easily made ill! . . . Well, have thy way; only peck not my fingers, Master Robin, or I will have thee flogged through the Tything at the cart-tail, as was done to a certain pieman, whose history I will now relate.