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They all had experienced the same discomfort, and they all laughed at the remembrance. "A low bowl arranged flat is the rule for centrepieces," repeated Mrs. Emerson seriously. "Mother always says that gay flowers are the city person's greatest help in brightening up a dark room," said Della as she laid aside all the calliopsis from the flowers she was sorting.

"We'll let you have it," responded Roger generously, "We can put the African daisy in the yellow bed instead." "Calliopsis or coreopsis is one of the yellow plants that the Department of Agriculture Bulletin mentions," said Dorothy. "It tells you just how to plant it and we put in the seeds early on that account." "Gaillardia always reminds me of it a bit the lemon color," said Ethel Brown.

Flowers we would have pretty much every-where hollyhocks in odd corners; delphinium and foxglove along the stone walls; bunches of calliopsis and bleeding-heart and peonies; borders of phlox and alyssum; beds of sweet-williams and corn-flowers and columbines all those lovely, old-fashioned things, with the loveliest old-fashioned names in the world.

Away at one end were the beds of old-fashioned flowers: hollyhocks and phlox and stocks, coreopsis and calliopsis, calendula and campanula, fox-gloves and monks-hoods and lady-slippers. At the other end were the strawberry-bed and the asparagus-bed. In between, there were long rows of all kinds of vegetables and small fruits and fragrant herbs.

An exceedingly brilliant combination can be made by the use of scarlet Salvia, as the centre of a bed six or eight feet across, with Calliopsis surrounding it. The scarlet and yellow of these two flowers will make the place fairly blaze with color, and they will continue to bloom until frost comes. They require next to no care.

And we had banks of calliopsis and sunflowers the small sunflowers of Kansas, that bloom a hundred or more to a stalk and tall phlox whose fragrance carries one back to some far, forgotten childhood. Then there were the roses the tea-roses that one must be careful of in winter and the hardy climbers the Dorothy Perkins and ramblers clambering over the walls.

Calliopsis tinctoria has three varieties, the ordinary type, a brown-flowered one and one with tubular rays. Seeds of each of these three sorts ordinarily contain a few belonging to the others. Iberis umbellata rosea often gives some white and violet examples.

The Calliopsis, rich golden-yellow marked with brown, combines charmingly with the dull, deep, rich reds which characterize the foliage and flowers of the most desirable varieties of this too much neglected annual. There are new varieties advertised of rather dwarf habit, with golden-green foliage, that could be used about the red-leaved kinds with fine effect.