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'Keep out of the way of the man in future, Barndale counselled his friend, and leave him and his ladylove to make this matter up between them. That'll all blow over in time. With that he said good-night, and rose to go. At the door he turned and asked 'Who is the man? Leland produced his pocket-book, searched for a page, found it, and handed it over to. Barndale.

On the way Barndale set out the evidence in favour of his own theory of the crime and its motive. Inspector Webb's experience of criminals was large; but he had never known a criminal conduct himself after Barn-dale's fashion, and was convinced of his innocence, and hotly eager to be in pursuit of the Greek.

Demetri glared at him, felt his sprained right wrist with his left hand, picked up his hat, shook off the dust from his disordered clothes, and went his way without a word. Barndale went his way also. The band crashed out again, and the crowd once more began its circle. When a torpedo is lowered into the sea, the wound it makes in the water is soon healed.

The military-looking official took the letter and read it through. It ran thus: 'On the Roaring Deep, 'Thames Ditton. 'Dear Lil, 'Billy has struck ile. He's at work on an amazing comedy with which he intends to fire the Thames next first of April. He and I are both going to appear in it at Barndale in the Christmas week. Meantime we rehearse a terrific combat nightly.

There, in a delicate but tremulous hand, was written, 'Demetri Agryopoulo, Hotel Misserie, Grande Rue de Pera. 'He lives in this house, said Barndale gravely. 'Lock your door before you go to bed. Leland took his advice. The next morning at table d'hôte they met the Greek. He was evidently well known at the table, and was popular.

It took Barndale a long time to get into this young artist's confidence; but he got there at last, and made a bid for 'Madeline and Porphyro, and paid something in advance for it, and had the work completed. He sold it to a connoisseur at an amazing profit, handed that profit to young Antoletti, and made a man of him.

'Leave ill alone! said Barndale, pulling solemnly away at his pipe. 'I can't, answered Leland. 'That cove's likelier to murder her than not, if he hasn't got me to murder. Look here, Billy, I'll marry the girl. 'Don't be a fool, said Barndale. 'What do you know about the girl? 'Lots, answered the imperturbable James. 'Highly connected. Lots of tin. Character irreproachable.

He skirted the village with its straggling lights, and made his way across the fields to the river side. Nearing the boat cautiously, he ensconced himself in the bushes on the bank, and watched and listened. There were two voices audible. Barndale and Leland were engaged in serious and indeed in angry talk.

He and Leland were riding at a walk, and there seemed no danger, when suddenly his horse shied violently, and with the shock crash went Barndale's teeth through the delicate amber, and the precious pipe fell to the roadway. Barndale was down in a second, and picked it up in two pieces. The stem was broken within an inch of the marvellous bowl.

His right wrist was bandaged, and in answer to many friendly inquiries, he said it had been sprained by a fall. He never looked at either Barndale or Leland, but chatted with his friends in a free and unembarrassed way which extorted the admiration of the two Englishmen, who were both somewhat silent and uncomfortable.