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The Mazzards, of which there are many, and some of them wild in the Eastern States, are counted inferior seedlings of the species avium, and are tall, large trees, the fruit being small and rather acrid and colors various.

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."

Ptolemy speaks of the Avium Promontorium, "The Promontory of Birds," which marks the entrance to Galle, and here the Arabians, in the reign of Haroun al Raschid, came to meet the junks from China, and to interchange merchandise with them.

"Non Siculae dapes Dulcem elaborabunt saporem: Non avium cyatheaceae cantus Somnum reducent." Do you think they can relish it? and that the fatal end of their journey being continually before their eyes, would not alter and deprave their palate from tasting these regalios? "Audit iter, numeratque dies, spatioque viarum Metitur vitam; torquetur peste futura."

And those who take this sentence in a contrary sense interpret it amiss: "Ista sic reciprocantur, ut et si divinatio sit, dii sint; et si dii lint, sit divinatio." Much more wisely Pacuvius "Nam istis, qui linguam avium intelligunt, Plusque ex alieno jecore sapiunt, quam ex suo, Magis audiendum, quam auscultandum, censeo."

For when some proposed to confer upon him the name of Romulus, as being, in a manner, a second founder of the city, it was resolved that he should rather be called Augustus, a surname not only new, but of more dignity, because places devoted to religion, and those in which anything is consecrated by augury, are denominated august, either from the word auctus, signifying augmentation, or ab avium gestu, gustuve, from the flight and feeding of birds; as appears from this verse of Ennius: When glorious Rome by august augury was built.

This bears large flowers of a most beautiful and delicate blush tint. P. Avium multiplex is a double form of the Wild Cherry, or Gean, with smaller leaves than the type. Asia Minor, 1879. This is a bushy shrub, with almost erect, long, and slender branches, and furnished with leaves an inch long, elliptic, and thick of texture. Flowers pale flesh-coloured, and produced abundantly.

P. Cerasus multiplex is a very showy double form, more ornamental than P. Avium muliplex, and also known under the names of Cerasus ranunculiflora and C. Caproniana multiplex. It is a very desirable lawn tree, and flowers at intervals during the summer. Ground Cherry. Europe, 1597.

Is it quite true that, "non avium citharaeque cantus somnum reducent"? Would not even Damocles himself have forgotten the sword, if the lute-player had chanced on the notes that lull? The dinner was simple enough, but well dressed and well served. One footman, in plain livery, assisted Mr. Mills.

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."