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'They persuade not only individuals but whole cities that expiations and atonements for sin may be made by sacrifices and amusements which fill a vacant hour, and are equally at the service of the living and of the dead; the latter sort they call mysteries, and they redeem us from the pains of hell, but if we neglect them no one knows what awaits us. This exploitation of sacramentalism was common enough in Greece; but the characteristic Caesaro-Papism of Byzantium and modern imperialism was wholly foreign to Hellenism.

As he spoke he emptied the glass, the custom of drinking from which, instead of from the tumbler itself rendering it impossible to get drunk all at once is one of the atonements offered by the Scotch to their tutelar god Propriety. "Come awa'. What are ye stan'in' there for, as gin ye warna at hame," he added, seeing that Alec lingered on the threshold. "Sit doon.

Always E.H. gives the service of pointing to the fountain of all naked theology, all religion, all worship, all the truth to which you are possibly eligible namely in yourself and your inherent relations. Others talk of Bibles, saints, churches, exhortations, vicarious atonements the canons outside of yourself and apart from man E.H. to the religion inside of man's very own nature.

Fabulous Full of threads; "Silk is fabulous." Accession The act of eating a great deal; "John got very sick after dinner by accession." Atonement A small insect; "Queen Mab was pulled by little atonements." Auxiliary To form; "The gardener did auxiliary his garden." Ingredient A native-born; "Tobacco is an ingredient of this country." Fragment Sweetmeats; "It was a fragment."

I recollect this visit of Aunt Grédel because eight days after the processions and atonements and sermons commenced, and did not end till the return of the Emperor in 1815, and then they commenced again and continued till the fall of Charles X. in 1830. Everybody who was then alive knows there was no end to them.

As to what relates to the tribunes, consider whether the delivering them up can be effected at the present time, or if it must be deferred to another day. Meanwhile let us, Titus Veturius, and the rest concerned, offer our worthless persons, as atonements for the breaking our engagements, and, by our sufferings liberate the Roman armies."

There is so little measure in the wild atonements of the young that it was perhaps as well for the Research Magnificent that the remorses of this period of Benham's life were too complicated and scattered for a cumulative effect.

Hitherto, alas! humanity has never dared face these hard facts. We frantically scatter conscience money and invent systems of conscience banking, with expiatory penalties, atonements, redemptions, salvations, hospital subscription lists and what not, to enable us to contract-out of the moral code.