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Goulden, "that does not astonish me in the least, after all these processions and atonements the saints must work miracles; and it is natural, Anna-Marie, quite natural." "Without doubt, Mr. Goulden, and when we see miracles, faith will return. That is clear, that is certain."

The girl's sense was only one of fierce rebellion at the injustice which was taking had taken, perhaps, the life of the man she loved; an injustice that could never make amends so implacable in its exactions, so impotent in its atonements! They were nearing the limits of the grounds; back of them, among its trees, loomed the gray stone front of Idle Hour.

They ordered the consul, Cneius Aurelius, to signify to the praetor in Bruttium, that "it was the pleasure of the senate, that an inquiry be made concerning the robbery of the treasury, according to the method used by Marcus Pomponius, praetor, three years before; that the money which could be discovered should be restored, that what was not found should be made up, and that if he thought proper, atonements should be made for the purpose of expiating the violation of the temple, in the manner formerly prescribed by the pontiffs."

That an expiatory sacred rite should be celebrated, first referring it to the college of pontiffs, to determine what atonements should be made, to what gods, and with what victims, in consequence of the sacred treasures' having been removed and violated.

'She works ill wherever she goes, replied Njal, 'and you will never cease making atonements for her; but he said no more, for he was a wise man and wasted no words, and when Gunnar asked him to come to the wedding feast he gave his promise that he would be there. The winter after Gunnar's wedding, he and Hallgerda were bidden to a great feast at Njal's house.

Goulden kept on with his work, and asked, without turning round, "Whose fault is it, Mother Grédel? Do you think that those processions, atonements, and the sermons in regard to the national domains and the 'rebellion of twenty-five years, these continual menaces of establishing the old order of things, the order to close the shops during the service, do you think all that could continue?

Such atonements has the goddess exacted from the despoilers of her temple; nor will she cease to pursue them, with every species of vengeance, till the sacred money shall have been replaced in the treasury.

It is a hard penalty for sins, which the world will not recognize as such, when every hour calls for some atonement when each household step is made heavy by loveless thoughts; Mabel was conscious of her own wrong, and even these small doling atonements never regarded by the world, yet which tell so fearfully on the life, had been patiently performed.

Judge then who is best able to continue it. She has likewise many atonements to make to an injured world, as well in one quarter as in another.

For the acts which have been committed are of such a nature, that, if the whole army participated in them, they could not be expiated without atonements of tremendous magnitude. Upon these points, like wounds, I touch with reluctance; but unless touched and handled, they cannot be cured.