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The inhabitants of this island are not all oystermen, for many find occupation and profit in raising ponies upon the beach of Assateague, where the wild, coarse grass furnishes them a livelihood. These hardy little animals are called "Marsh Tackies," and are found at intervals along the beaches down to the sea-islands of the Carolinas.

J. L. Caulk, ex-collector of the oyster port, and about fifty persons, escorted me to the landing, and sent me away with a hearty "Good luck to ye." It was three miles and three quarters to the southern end of the island, which has an inlet from the ocean upon each side of that end the northern one being Assateague, the southern one Chincoteague Inlet.

I am going to slow the boat down to steerage way and wait for her to come up. It's better than trying to make for Assateague; it's better to wait." "Will the bulkhead hold?" Mr. Howland asked his question in the even monotone which had characterized all his questions. "I think so; if it doesn't, we'll get everybody off in the rafts and the launch; the sea is going down by the minute." Mr.

The members of the Order Gallinae are only holding their own where privately protected. The members of the Plover Family and what are known locally as shore birds are still plentiful on the shores of Chincoteague and Assateague, and although they do not breed there as formerly, so far as I know there are no species exterminated.

Chincoteague lies like a tongue between two inlets, and partly protrudes into the sea, but is also sheltered in part by the bar of Assateague, whose light has flamed for years.

A high tide, following a series of dreadful storms, arose on the coast of the peninsula, as if the Gulf Stream, like a vast ploughshare, had thrown the Atlantic up from its furrow and tossed it over the beach of Assateague. The sturdy ponies were all drowned. The sea was undivided from the bay.

When I turned westwardly around South Point, and entered Assateague Bay, the watery expanse widened, between the marshes on the west and the sandy-beach island on the east, to over four miles. The debouchure of Newport Creek is to the west of South Point. The marshes here are very wide. I ascended it in the afternoon to visit Dr.

From the Hommack to South Point is included the length of Sinepuxent Bay, according to Coast Survey authority. From South Point to below the middle of Chincoteague Island the bay is put down as "Assateague," though the oystermen do not call it by that name. The celebrated oyster-beds of the people of Chincoteague commence about twenty miles south of the Hornmack.

It's a race between the yacht and the leak; the yacht ought to win out. Now you know as much as I do." "I am not frightened; my curiosity is natural. Is there a chance that the yacht may not get where you are taking her?" "To the Assateague beach no, I don't think there is if all goes well." "If all goes well! Then there is a chance a chance we may " "Oh, we'll be all right."

If I can pick up a steamship I'll call her and desert ship; if not well, we're somewhere outside the Winter Quarter light-ship. I'll need about five hours of the speed we're making to pick up the light vessel and beach the yacht in the lee of Assateague; maybe not quite five hours, I can't say exactly." "I think we can keep ahead of the water we're makin' that long," replied Arthur, cheerfully.