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For a long time it was my endeavour and my dearest wish to devote myself entirely to an academical career, which then appeared to me as my true vocation and the only solution of the riddle of my life; but the opportunities I had of observing the natural history students of that time, their very slight knowledge of their subject, their deficiency of perceptive power, their still greater want of the true scientific spirit, warned me back from this plan.

He received an academical education, and entered the profession of law. In 1851 and 1852 he was a member of the Kentucky Legislature. From 1856 to 1860 he was Judge of the Equity and Criminal Court of the First Judicial District of the State. He was subsequently for five years President of the New Orleans and Ohio Railroad Company.

Francois, laden with academical laurels, first on the pass list for the Ecole Normale, had entered that college where young men are trained for university professorships, and was there preparing for his Licentiate degree, while Antoine, who on reaching the third class at the Lycee Condorcet had taken a dislike to classical studies, now devoted himself to his calling as a wood-engraver.

Having received an academical education, he taught school for some time, and subsequently engaged in mercantile pursuits. From 1855 to 1857 he was a member of the New Hampshire Legislature, and during two years was Speaker of the House. In 1856 he was Chairman of the State Republican Committee.

In 1865 he was elected a Representative from Kentucky to the Thirty-Ninth Congress. 152, 361, 441. DONALD McRUER was born in Maine in 1826. He received an academical education, and engaged in mercantile pursuits. Removing to California, he settled in San Francisco. He held for some time the office of Harbor Commissioner for that State.

He seems to have perfect bodily health and vigour, and he has never been known to neglect or to defer anything that he undertakes. In fact, he is a perfectly useful, competent, admirable man. His behaviour to every one is exactly the same; he treats everybody, his young men, his colleagues, his academical superiors, with the same dry politeness and respect.

The time of the college tutor was engrossed by the details of scholastic superintendence, and the frivolous worry of academical business. Admissions, matriculations, disputations, declamations, the formalities of degrees, public reception of royal and noble visitors, filled every hour of his day, and left no time, even if he had had the taste, for private study.

And when she sees inside of it, she'll find it ain't for her, but a party." "What sort of a party, that's the p'int? Don't b'leeve my great-aunt knows no parties. Them she knows is inside of her farmily. Nevoos, sim'lar to myself as you might say. Or hequal value." An Academical degree would have qualified Micky to say "or its equivalent."

No man had less of what has been called "the ceremonial cleanliness of academical pharisees;" and the purity of expression he aimed at was to put into a form, at once intelligible and tasteful, his exact thoughts and emotions.

Most of the persons who marched first in this procession wore spectacles, and some were clad in academical costumes. The greater number had gone past, when the grave-looking traveler he who had interested himself so much in the stones and foliage by the wayside courteously stopped one of the company and asked him what the procession meant.