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It should be observed that the sum of $96,096,922.09, expended for reimbursements and redemption of public debt, being included also in the loans made, may be properly deducted both from receipts and expenditures, leaving the actual receipts for the year $487,788,324.97, and the expenditures $474,744,778.16.

Calculate the percentage of potassium oxide in an impure sample of potassium carbonate from the following data: Weight of sample = 1.00 gram; HCl sol. used = 55.90 cc.; NaOH sol. used = 0.42 cc.; 1 cc. NaOH sol. = 0.008473 gram of KHC O .H C O .2H O; 2 cc. HCl sol. = 5 cc. NaOH sol. !Answer!: 65.68%. NaOH solution = 1.190 cc. HCl solution. !Answer!: 97.97%.

At least it was a point gained that some one of our party besides myself knew where the letters were. The sheriff returned presently with a loaf of canned bread and a tin of beans. If I had been alone, I should have kicked at the food and got permission for my darkies to send me up something from 97; but I thought I'd see how Lord Ralles would like genuine Western fare, so I said nothing.

Therefore be angry as when you went into exile, and remember the other misfortunes which you suffered from them, who seized some from the market-place, and others from the temple, and put them to death, and, dragging others away from their children, parents, and wives, compelled them to be murderers of their own kindred, and did not permit them to receive the customary burial; thinking their own government would be more secure from the vengeance of the gods. 97.

Passing through another scrub of Acacia pendula we reached a still more extensive plain, and while we were crossing it I was informed, by the carpenter, that the wheels of one of the carts were falling to pieces and required immediate repair. We accordingly halted, and some wedges were driven into them. The thermometer here stood at 97 degrees.

The dusky flutings in the prismatic light of the first of these stars have not been identified with the absorption of any particular substance; but associated with them are metallic lines, of which 78 were measured, and a good many identified by Huggins, while the wave-lengths of 97 were determined by Vogel in 1871.

My "Mistus" always took me to the Baptist Church with her. I do not remember any preacher's names or any songs they sang." Bibliography: Interview with Aunt Belle Robinson, Ex-Slave of Garrard County. Monroe County. Folklore. Slaves: I am 97 years old and am still working as janitor and support my family. My father was a white man and my mother was a colored lady.

The opposing team, Pennsylvania, hailed me as 'Little Boy Blue, and paid no further attention to me, so that by good fortune I made a couple of scores. Then they fell upon me, and at the close all I had left was the pants." J. W. Powell, captain of the '97 team, tells of the interim between Army-Navy games.

Report, p. 97. MS. notes taken down from Mr. Egan. Joseph Crosfield's Report to the Society of Friends, p. 145. James H. Tuke's report to the same Committee, p. 147. In Irish corrac, pr. corrach or currach. This primitive boat was made of a slight frame work of timber and covered with skins, whence its name. In early times corrachs were used in all the British islands.

They did not ask me to take a hand, for which I was grateful, as the salary of a railroad superintendent would hardly stand the game they probably played; and I had my compensation when Miss Cullen also was not asked to join them. She said she was going to watch the moonlight on the mountains from the platform, and opened the door to go out, finding for the first time that No. 97 was the "ender."