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We read that the statue was still standing so late as 395 A.D., and it is said that its towering height and threatening aspect caused a panic terror in Alaric and his horde of barbarians when they climbed the Acropolis to plunder its temple of its treasure. But it was under the rule of Pericles that Phidias was to find at Athens his richest employment.

One of the few men in history who have won the title of great, the emperor Theodosius I, who had by his policy, at once friendly and firm, pacified the Goths, who had confirmed the triumph of Athanasian over Arian Christianity, who had stamped out the last flames of refractory paganism represented by the tyrant Eugenius, died on the 17th of January, A.D. 395.

General J. D. WEBSTER, Chicago, Illinois DEAR GENERAL: General W. Sooy Smith feels aggrieved and wronged by my account of his part in the Meridian campaign, in my "Memoirs," pages 394, 395, and properly appeals to me for correction. I have offered to modify any words or form of expression that he may point out, but he asks me to completely change the whole that concerns him.

The public debt on the 20th ultimo, exclusive of the stock authorized to be issued to Texas by the act of 9th September, 1850, was $62,560,395.26. The receipts for the next fiscal year are estimated at $51,800,000, which, with the probable unappropriated balance in the Treasury on the 30th June next, will give as the probable available means for that year the sum of $63,258,743.09.

The final division of the Roman world, which took place in the year 395 between the two sons of Theodosius, synchronises with a division as definite and as final between classical and mediaeval poetry; and in the last years of the fourth century the parting of the two streams, the separation of the dying from the dawning light, is placed in sharp relief by the works of two contemporary poets, Claudian and Prudentius.

The inmost principle of man is his soul, 183. INNOCENCE is the esse of every good; good is only so far good as innocence is in it, 394, 414. The Lord is innocence itself, 394. Innocence is to be led by the Lord, 414. The innocence of infants flows in from the Lord, 395. The sphere of innocence flows into infants, and through them into parents, and affects them, 395, 396.

Richardson's Report, p. 157; also L'Institut, 1837, p. 253. Cuvier says the kinkajou is found in the larger Antilles, but this is doubtful. M. Gervais states that the Didelphis crancrivora is found there. It is certain that the West Indies possess some mammifers peculiar to themselves. A tooth of a mastadon has been brought from Bahama; Edin. New Phil. Journ., 1826, p. 395.

I am a king, and can procure them for you at your pleasure; and what will certainly never happen to you in respect of your enemies, I will cease to persecute you as soon as you cease to take a pride in being persecuted. Your good friend, FREDERICK." Corr., iv. 313, 343, 388, 398. Ib. 395. Ib. 389, etc. Ib. 384. Ib. 343, 344, 387, etc. Corr., iv. 346. Ib. 390.

I always expected great things from flea-bitten grays. The team, wagon, harness, etc., added $395 to the debit account against the farm. Polly secured her girl, a green German who had not been long enough in America to despise the country. "She doesn't know a thing about our ways," said Polly, "but Mrs. Thompson can train her as she likes.

Even admitting that there was this freedom of intercourse between the two, do dates agree for the kind of relationship that is said to have existed between them? The time when Salustius was learning oratory from Endelechius was, as the note tells us, the year 395. Shall we say at ten years of age? or eight? or six? or when he was in his cradle? for he died before he was 50.