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It was they who gave asylum to the admiral and fleet of Cyrus after Cunaxa, and sent corn to Agesilaus when he invaded Asia Minor; they supplied money and ships to the Spartan fleet in 394, and helped Evagoras of Cyprus in a long resistance to his suzerain.

It follows, then, that out of the 394 voters in those three separate bodies a majority only of 78 was obtained. Surprised at so feeble a majority, the First Consul said in the evening, "Ah! I see very clearly the prejudices are still too strong. You were right; I should have waited. It was not a thing of such urgency. But then, it must be owned, the speakers for the measure defended it badly.

Darwin is undoubtedly due the elaboration and thoroughly scientific defence of the theory of natural selection, and to him is to be referred the deep and widespread interest which it has excited. Von D. Hermann Ulrici. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1866, p. 394. The Theory of Evolution of Living Things and the Application of the Principles of Evolution to Religion. By Rev.

And as it is the only sample that we have of how things went with him during his courtship, we may infer that the period was not as agreeable for Knox as it has been for some others. IB. iii. 378. LB. ii. 379. Works, iii. 394. Works, iii. 376. Works, iii. 378. However, when once they were married, I imagine he and Marjorie Bowes hit it off together comfortably enough.

Visitors may be accommodated at the Plaza Hotel, conducted by William Haydon. From Los Angeles to Sargent's, 394 miles, fare $11.65. From San Francisco, 87 miles, fare $2.35. SAN CARLOS BORROMEO, MONTEREY. The old presidio church is in the town of Monterey, and reached by car-line from Hotel del Monte or the town.

And, please, backwards: playing as it were the crab in time; and not content till the whole pralaya is skipped, and you stand on the far shore, in the sunset of an elder day: looking now forward, into futurity, from 390, perhaps 394 B.C.; over first a half-cycle of Persian decline, long melancholy sands and shingle, to there on the edge of the great wan water, that July in 330 when mean Satrap Bessus killed his king, Codomannus, last of the Achaemenidae, then in flight from Alexander; and the House of Cyrus and Darius came to an end.

Psammetichus, an original language, 394. Punch, London, 204. Puritans, rear guard, 15. Puritanism: relaxation from, 30; after-clap, 268; in New England, 409. Putnam's Magazine, on Samuel Hoar, 213, 214. Pythagoras: imagery quoted, 385; preexistence, 391. Quakers, seeing only broad-brims, 218.

"They tell me t'was vastly clever. He wrote a great many plays, did not he?" "I have heard of only one attempt, Madam." "Oh no, I beg your pardon; that was Mr. Shakespeare; I always confound them." Wooll's Warton, p. 394.

The number of emigrants from foreign countries during the 10 years was 1,542,850. Among the individual states, the most populous are New York, which numbers 3,097,394 inhabitants; Pennsylvania, 2,311,786; Ohio, 1,980,408; Virginia, 1,421,661; Massachusetts, 994,499; Indiana, 988,416; Kentucky, 982,405; Georgia, 905,999.

General J. D. WEBSTER, Chicago, Illinois DEAR GENERAL: General W. Sooy Smith feels aggrieved and wronged by my account of his part in the Meridian campaign, in my "Memoirs," pages 394, 395, and properly appeals to me for correction. I have offered to modify any words or form of expression that he may point out, but he asks me to completely change the whole that concerns him.