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The references are given for those who will want to get closer up to this famous illustration. Guidance: Ex. xiii: 21-22, with Numbers xiv: 14. Bodily nourishment. Ex. xv: 25; xvi: 13-14, 45; xvii: 6. Numbers xi: 31-32. xx: 1-12. Protection from bodily harm: The nation Ex. xiv: 19-20. The leaders Num. xiv: 10 and on. xvi: 19 and on. xvi: 42 and on. xx: 1-12.

It bore its first good fruits in New York in 1848, when the Property Bill was passed. Thus New York became the pioneer. The movement spread, as I have mentioned, with amazing rapidity; but it was not so uniformly successful. Conventions were held, for example, in Ohio, at Salem, April 19-20, 1850; at Akron, May 28-29, 1851; at Massillon on May 27, 1852.

Skene with their daughter Kitty, who has been indisposed, came to dinner, and the party was a well-assorted one. Richard III., Act IV. Sc. 2. See letter to George Forbes from Sir Walter, dated Dec. 18th, 1830. Life, vol. X. pp. 19-20. Widow of Francis, Lord Seaforth, last Baron of Kintail, and mother of the Hon. Mrs. Stewart Mackenzie. A sportive association of young athletes.

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. MATT. vi. 19-20. The connection with the previous part is twofold. The warning against hypocritical fastings and formalism leads to the warning against worldly-mindedness and avarice.

THOMAS, GEORGE HENRY. Born in Southampton County, Virginia, July 31, 1816; graduated at West Point, 1840; served in Seminole and Mexican wars; brigadier-general of volunteers, August, 1861; at Mill Springs, Perryville and Murfreesboro; became famous for his defense of Union position at Chickamauga, September 19-20, 1863; with Sherman in Georgia, 1864; defeated Hood at Nashville, December 15-16, 1864; died at San Francisco, March 28, 1870.

Day after day the country was covered with a thick white mist, a common experience in October, which made observation quite out of the question. However, from the sketches that had been made, I was able to make a drawing of the panorama in front, which was printed out for the use of the troops in the line. It was decided to attack the German positions at midnight on October 19-20.

The 16 of September in the nigh it lightened much, whereupon there followed great winds and raine which continued the 17 18 19-20 and 21 of the same. So then we viewed the Towne quietly, and bought such things as we desired for our money as if we had bene in England. And they helped to fill vs in fresh water, receiuing for their paines such satisfaction as contented them.

It contains seventy-four quarto pages of from 19-20 lines each. Its first three leaves are continuous, beginning at p. 61 of Asher's edition and ending at p. 73. After this there is a lacuna of four leaves, and the fragment, which recommences at p. 98 of Asher's edition, is then continuous to the end of the book.

Feb. 16 Germans capture Plock and Bielsk in Poland; French capture two miles of German trenches in Champagne district. February 17 Germans report they have taken 50,000 Russian prisoners in Mazurian lake district. Feb. 18 German blockade of English and French coasts put into effect. Feb. 19-20 British and French fleets bombard Dardanelles forts.

No other State had won by so large a majority and because the count was made and the victory reported first of the three that were carried in 1912, Kansas claims the right to the seventh place on the list of equal suffrage States. The Jubilee Convention, May 19-20, 1913, was held in the Baptist Church at Lawrence, and men and women came from every part of the State.