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It may encourage planting if I mention that I took careful measurement by line of one of the row alluded to. In January, 1882, the height of the tree was 153 feet, in girth near the ground, 5 feet 8 inches; at 50 feet, 3 feet 8 inches; and 1 foot 6 inches at 100 feet.

Harper, Anthony, I, p. 428. Ibid., p. 433. Trial, pp. 2-3. N.d., Susan B. Anthony Papers, New York Public Library. Trial, pp. 151, 153. Judge Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Sec. 456: "The importance of examining the preamble for the purpose of expounding the language of a statute has long been felt and universally conceded in all juridical discussion."

Wind W.S.W., canting to W. Moderate breeze. Knots logged to twelve, noon, 153. Position, 20 miles south, a little east of Cape Sable. End of this day." Code closed the dirty and thumb-worn, paper-covered ledger that was the log of the Charming Lass and had been the log of the old May Schofield for ten years before she went down. It was the one thing he had saved.

"Dyslalia Viewed as a Centre Asthenia" was the title of a paper read by Dr. Walter B. Swift, Boston. Reserved for Publication. Published in the August-September number, p. 153, of this Journal. DR. WILLIAM A. WHITE, Washington, D. C., spoke of his interest in the paper and his agreement with it.

But that which chiefly distressed Lansdowne's Works, ii. 236-241, quoted by Harris, iv. 153. his advisers was the number and publicity of his amours; and, in particular, the utter worthlessness of one woman, who by her arts had won his affection, and by her impudence exercised the control over his easy temper.

Ireland, as a nation, was extinguished." The final division in the Commons was 153 to 88, nearly 60 members absenting themselves, and in the Lords, 76 to 17.

Such persons, as to conjugial love, are starved with cold more than others. If they keep to their married partners, it is only on account of some of the external causes mentioned above, n. 153, which withhold and bind them.

But, if we may trust Munk's Roll of the College of Physicians, ii.153, on the father's tomb-stone, June 6 is given as the day of his death. Mr. Croker gives June 17 as the date, and June 19 as the day of the son's death, and is puzzled accordingly. Poor Derrick, however, though he did not himself introduce me to Dr.

"Tu quid ego, et populus mecum desideret, audi." HOR. ARS POET. ver. 153. "Now hear what ev'ry auditor expects."

III., 153 "Liberty is the craving of a small and privileged class by nature, with faculties superior to the common run of men; this class, therefore, may be put under restraint with impunity; equality, on the contrary, catches the multitude." Thibaudeau, 99: "What do I care for the opinions and cackle of the drawing-room? I never heed it. I pay attention only to what rude peasants say."