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Updated: August 17, 2024

XXXI. Caius Fabius set off with the rest of the army to the Carnutes and those other states, whose forces he was informed had served as auxiliaries in that battle, which he fought against Dumnacus.

This was a severe loss to Sparta, incurred as it was unnecessarily, after the war was really over, from the desire of their generals to distinguish themselves. XXXI. Pyrrhus celebrated his son's obsequies with splendid games. His grief was partly satiated by the revenge which he had taken upon the enemy, and he now marched towards Argos.

XXXI. Should I permit Homer, and Ennius, and the rest of the poets, and especially the tragic poets, to forbear displaying the same vehemence on every occasion, and constantly to change their language, and sometimes even to come near to the ordinary language of daily conversation; and never myself descend from that fierce style of vehement expression? But why do I cite poets of godlike genius?

§ XXXI. It was said above, that the proper treatment or arrangement of ornament was that which expressed the laws and ways of Deity. Now, the subordination of visible orders to each other, just noted, is one expression of these.

Possibly both meanings enter in here. See Isaiah xxxi. 5. See Exodus xii. i. In order fully to understand this extraordinary expression and its origin we must turn for a moment to the worship both of Mithra, the Persian Sungod, and of Attis the Syrian god, as throwing great light on the Christian cult and ceremonies.

XXXI. In his statement of this sentence, some think that he avoided speaking clearly on purpose, though it was manifestly without design. But they judge ill of a man who had not the least art. It is doubtful whether he means that there is any being happy and immortal, or that if there is any being happy, he must likewise be immortal.

The earliest mention of churchyards in English antiquities is in the canons called the "Excerptions of Ecgbriht," A.D. 740, when Cuthbert was Archbishop of Canterbury; and here the word "atria" is used, which may refer to the outbuildings or porticoes of a church. xxxi The Greater and Lesser Excommunications.

Bok was now done with health measures for a while, and determined to see what he could do with two or three civic questions that he felt needed attention. XXXI. Adventures in Civics

I will not say what it is, lest the fear of it should keep thee away. And, now that I have finished the history of Mrs. Henning and her boarder, I will bid thee good-night. Good good-night, my love. Letter XXXI To Henry Colden Philadelphia, November 11. How shall I tell you the strange strange incident? Every fibre of my frame still trembles.

'Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. PSALM xxxi. 5. The first part of this verse is consecrated for ever by our Lord's use of it on the Cross. Is it not wonderful that, at that supreme hour, He deigned to take an unknown singer's words as His words?

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